Any one know or have an idea what this is ? I’m worried 😢
Any body know what this could be I’m ... - Men's Health Foru...
Any body know what this could be I’m worried ...

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Could it be psoriasis? Do you have it anywhere else?

No just there? Could be genital psoriasis tho! But I’m not so sure
It does look a little psoriasis like though, you’ve been treated by Antibiotics I assume for the Folliculitis, youve previously mentioned? Is it painful, sore, itchy etc? Does it discharge/weep at all? Have you ever shaved? Is this a recent occurrence?

Yes it’s itchy and blistered
Yes, it’s a penis...with some kind of inflammatory skin condition. Which would make sense considering this is a Men’s Health Forum.
Pincer is right it looks like that or dermatitis start washing with a ph 0 wash ie simple or sanex and then apply coconut oil 3 times aday it will improve and get rid of most that bush trim it up to allow airflow and prevent sweat build up go commando if u can for few weeks let damp moisture the better so more clothes over him more heat more sweat more bacteria effect longer healing m8 try good luck
Best thing to do about anything that's worrying you is seek professional help and advice, if not sure about going to your doctor then go to a GUM clinic, that is in UK.
It must be a worry too you otherwise you wouldn't be asking on here.
Just been seen, dr doesn’t think it’s pin, he thinks it maybe psoriasis or maybe folliculitus so he’s given me eumovate cream and flufloxacillin antibiotics I kept saying do you think it’s pin and he said “no I most certainly don’t” so we will see
Now I’m a fine one to talk as suffering with anxiety myself but it may be because of everything, give the fluclox ago trim your hair to allow it to breath and yes the coconut oil will be great too.... hope it gets better bud

Thankyou mate so you don’t think it could be pin? Which is what I had before I’m just worried I have health anxiety it sucks!
It could be genital herpes. Does it burn?
Genital herpes that’s an sti? I’ve only slept with my fiancée and I haven’t had sex for two weeks.. so pretty sure it’s not that? No itches !!
It could be genital hsv 1. Meaning you can touch a cold sore on your lip and spread it to your genitals. I know this as this has happened to me and it burned constantly. HSV 2 is genital herpes while HSV 1 is common cold sores on the lips, but either condition can effect either area. Does it burn?
No it doesn’t burn just itches ?
Are you cut or uncut?
Saw pincer offered u some help ge my bro but I'm going to give u advice as I see m8 cause I know If i and pincer like ya then yer ok
On a serious note but that dick get the hair off and coconut oil on imed asap about 4 times daily 🤞 it works as I and pince said
However I get how u have other shit in life and to be honest I know that by far i lost the guy that was my idol the guy a looked up for advice career direction and probably how to bring a girl to climax no not my boyfriend m8 bet u thought that my brother I'm quite certain am straight love wet warm pusy to max baw deep fucking and licking like a labrador after but bro and at 21 lost my him at 27 car accident leaving 1 girls 8 and 1 boy 3 then 5 yr later lost mum wtf life was getting worse and dads great guy but 1940 men dont get it m8 so now only sister left but 3 yes later my sister gets diagnosed met breast cancer and lost her 2yr later to that horrible disease leaving 2 boys 8n11 I've been the dad that he could no be the telling off keeping right on track etc etc and grown to good kid but shit happens I gained weight I was stressed my sex libido was only thing that never stopped but I 2as always wanting rough sex which broke me and my ex then went off to lads weekend festival and while taken a piss in a field got chatting to a guy taking a piss at side of me and life changed after docs wanting to up meds more sleep tablets to sleep etc etc but not actually give a fuck what was happening to me so the guy said hae bro u look stressed ru ok I said ye man hes like ur not and gave me his number back then txt him asking what he ment he advised me to accept the things I can not change change the things I can ie me and dont worry about things that may happen and most importantly get healthy for a good life and live life no regrets as I have tattooed on my neck but I want you to take a think tablets aside this is not about your cock this is you try walking a 5k three times a week increase to a run if u can this really will help increase your endorphins energy and lower your stress clear mind and soul and as u do it remember dads beside u everyday but you need to be you as he wont be happy if you are like you are things happen for a reason we can make a change to us I'f we want If u have stress try alternative before it gets harder to get back meds are good short term no long and clean up the lifestyle if you can it will help been done and wore the t shirt now 34 sex 3/4 times a week masterbation everyday as I'm one horny fucker your dick is the biggest asset 🤔 a guy thinks but it ain't it's you fix u the cock will fix its self talk talk talk exercise fitness good luck 🤞👍