Can anybody here who had lymphoedema many months after circumcision tell me if the swelling actually ever goes down? Should I be doing something about it other than rubbing bio oil twice a day. I'm just wondering why does this take so long to heal. I'm worried that it'll become a chronic condition...
Lymphoedema: Can anybody here who had... - Men's Health Foru...

How long has it been for you? Spoken to your doctor?
It will be six weeks next thursday. I am seeing my doctor in another 2 weeks. I know it can take way longer but I just want to have some feedback from people who've had it for long and then healed.
At which time we should start to worry about the swelling?
I already read everything, everywhere... I need an answer from someone who's been through it and has healed
I am not yet healed as far as swelling and sensitivity goes but I will be 4 months in next week and I am still as swollen as the beginning. My urologist told me it can take months to go down so 6 weeks may be just the beginning. Though the time for swelling to go down differs per each man.
That is terrible... I am already getting crazy and depressed because my first weeks were terrible and very painful and my life really stopped after this operation. I am at week 5 and I can't resist for months in this state...
I totally can relate. It put my life on pause (for now). I had to cancel my fall enrollment at University due to this operation I got nearly 4 months ago. Still can’t comfortably wear clothes or take showers because the water pressure feels quite uncomfortable on my glans. Feels like no end in sight but I’m just going to give it some time. Best of luck in your recovery and I hope you don’t have to experience it for much longer.
Has your swelling got any better over 4 months or not at all?
I'm really sad reading your words and I hope that you will heal as soon as possible. I hope that this operation didn't spoil our lives... Are you doing something for the swelling?
I appreciate that and I hope the same for you. I think it’ll just be a matter of time for us. And for the swelling I’m not doing anything in particular, but I have been using coconut oil to moisturize the glans and I take epsom salt baths a couple times each week. The salt baths helped reduce the tenderness of the swelling but not reduce the swelling itself.
So I'm almost 4 weeks post op and have a lot of swelling and an edema as you can see on my post. I went to the doctor and apparently the skin is a little tighter under the scar line which prevents the fluid to drain. He actually told me I now have mild paraphimosis (could be because I had a lot of erections after the surgery and it didn't heal properly) and if the swelling doesn't go down in another week he'll make a small incision to help the skin loosen up and the fluid to drain. Hope this helps...
That was supposed also by my doctor but he suggested me to try to do maneuvers. During the first 2-3 weeks, it just consists of squeezing the swelling ringing it and trying to stimulate the fluid to go down. When the swelling became smaller, the maneuver became trying to stretch the skin under the swelling and trying to put it down. At the moment, the swelling appears finally empty so I think that now it is just skin that has to be reabsorbed but I am continuing the maneuvers anyway.
If the only problem is the swelling and you don't feel hurt during erections or you have problems pissing than you could solve without surgery (as I hope for myself).
Could you explain better the maneuver for me please? And does the swelling come back if you leave it alone all day long? How many times a day do you do this maneuver?
I put my hand all around the swelling and press it quite strong. After that, you should see that the swelling should be a bit deflated. At this time you concentrate to 1/3 or 1/2 of the swelling and with two or three fingers press it downwards while with the other hand try to lift upwards the skin that is under the swelling. Repeat this thing several times for every part of the swelling. If you see that while you are pressing in a point, another part of the swelling becomes bigger, you have to enlarge more the skin.
I do it 5-6 times per day. I didn't try to leave it without maneuvers for a whole day but I can see that when I do it, it immediately come back the same after but during the hours it reduces its size (very very slowly). I am also putting 2 times per day Gentalyn ointment and keeping the penis upside.