Hello I was circumcised at birth and have had painful erections due to skin excessively tight on the right side of my penis my entire life. In the pic I've posted the skin is attached to the area just below the center and toward the right of my glans. This is where the skin is so tight during erections. Can this be corrected? Please help with any opinions and/or advice. I've become severely depressed because of this. Thank you.
Circumcision improperly healed? - Men's Health Foru...
Circumcision improperly healed?

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Hi, it looks like you have got a skin bridge where the scar has joined after the cut. If it’s causing issues you need to seek medical help. It can be corrected by means of a small revision. See your GP and ask for a referral to a urologist. Are you in the UK ?

I'm in the US
Ok I’m not sure how the US system works, but you need to get to a urologist for a diagnosis and to agree a revision Op. check out the link below. It can be sorted fairly easily - you just need to make the decision to act. You’ll be glad you did. Good luck

Thank you kind sir.
Other than the skin bridge, you have a great looking circumcision with all of it's advantages, and benefits. Don't pay attention to any of the negative remarks by anti-circumcision people here, you have the better penis in many ways. Talk to your GP about having it corrected, and keep enjoying your great looking penis.
You have a significant skin bridge. At first I thought it was your frenulum, but then I realized it was on your dorsal side, so there fore it was a significant skin bridge. You can have it surgically fixed by a doctor. Skin bridge removal.
I had a circumcision 8 weeks ago and the right side of my penis seems to have healed differently from the left. Left side being more tight and neat. Right side being raised and bumpy. So noticeae. Worrying may be same as what your worried about.
hi, i have the same problem as you,Do you treat it now?