Hey Fellas So Im On Day 23 And All Stitches Are Gone And Everything Seems To Be Healing Normally EXCEPT THE STILL HAVE A SCAB On The Head Of My Penis Shouldn’t It Have Fallen Off By NOW!! Starting To Worry Alot Now!! THANKS IN ADVANCE REALLY APPRECIATE IT
Scab On Head Of Penis (picture) - Men's Health Foru...
Scab On Head Of Penis (picture)

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Hi, you should have it checked out with your doctor.
So i Take That As Its Not Normal😖
It looks very unusual there could be some infection there so I would have it checked out as soon as you can just to be safe. your scar has healed up really well🙂
It Does Look A Bit Odd At The Least But I Can Say Im A Bit Of A Grower If You Get What Im Saying So A Part Of The Scab In The Middle Came Off Where The Pus Is Which Makes It Look A Little Weird But Thanks Man I SALUTE YOU FOR THIS !! And You Really Think Its Healed Up? Im Gonna See My Doctor Just In Case Thanks For Replying!
Yeah it does look unusual, usually it would peel some and scab but not to that extent. I would say there probably is an infection there so you should go to your doctor as soon as you can. Everything else looks fine your scar has healed up really well and very straight and smooth it's a pity that glans didn't but hopefully it will in time.
No, that is not normal, go to see your doctor ASAP
I would get that checked by a doctor. It may be nothing to worry about but better safe than sorry. Your circumcision has healed well and looks really beautiful. Welcome to the circumcision club!
Thanks My Man Gonna Get It Checked Out Just To Be Safe!!