Hi everyone I'm new here. Just wondering if anyone hase found menopause has made their anxiety and depression much worse?
Menopause and anxiety with depression - Menopause and Per...
Menopause and anxiety with depression
Hi there! Yes, my anxiety and depression started getting worse around age 45. I turned 51 today. I am still menstruating so the obgyns I've seen don't consider me in menopause; but I'm telling you what, I've gotten hit with some pretty heavy things in this perimenopause phase. First I got hit with terrible depression and fatigue but that passed after a time. Then I got hit with vaginal dryness but never medicated it until recently as it's gotten very bad. Then I got hit with pelvic floor muscle dysfunction, maybe because of all the vaginal pain and anxiety. I'm still trying to get that resolved through physical therapy. But yes, I noticed that my OCD tendencies and just overall anxious outlook have gotten much worse in the past several years. Of course, I've sought out doctors but they never really think of menopause unless you mention hot flashes. I just recently had a few hot flashes but the vaginal estrogen has taken care of that. I try to get systemic estrogen but the obgyns won't give it to me because I'm still having periods and I'm not having hot flashes. They don't really recognize anxiety as a symptom of menopause but I've read that women do have an increase of this when they approach menopause and can be helped with estrogen.
Thanks so much for your reply. I am not really sure if I'm in menopause . I have not had hot flashes, at least not how I imagined them, but I haven't had a period for almost 2 years. I am 50 years old. You're right. neither my regular Dr. or my psychiatrist have considered it even though my anxiety and now depression have really escalated over the past several months. I guess it's up to me to get some answers . Thanks again for letting me know that I'm not necessarily barking up the wrong tree and that estrogen may help.
Dear Zannex, if you haven't had a period in 2 years then you are post menopause. That's what the doctors say. They say if you have not had a period in 12 consecutive months, then you have reached menopause. Man, I wish my periods were over. That's one thing you can be happy about I guess. I was told by an obgyn doctor that some women never get hot flashes during their transition, so maybe you are one of them. Maybe more women will post about their experience here. I will pray for relief for you because I know how crippling anxiety and depression can be. My advice would be to get some religion if you don't have it already because that can be a huge help. I would also recommend walking consistently to help with blood flow and endorphins. Also, force yourself to do things that you don't think will give you joy but have given you joy in the past. Little by little you will find yourself less depressed.
Sleep disturbance can definitely feature in peri menopause and lack of sleep can cause anxiety. Hot flushes are definitely not the only or necessarily main symptom of peri menopause. I agree with Sungirl. If you haven’t had a period for 2 years, you are post menopausal. Your GP should be willing to discuss what with you whether HRT might help. Personally, I’m sleeping so much better since going on HRT.