Hey there. I am almost 49, perimenopausal and one of my symptoms is thinning, breaking, falling hair. It's coming out a lot and getting very broken, weak and patchy. I have 'hair and skin' multi vitamins, vit d, eve primrose oil and eat very well (mainly veggie with a little fish and occasional meat), don't smoke, don't drink much. I don't know what else to do and considering having it cropped really short but I can't afford 4 weekly haircuts. Any advice please?
Hair loss help please: Hey there. I am... - Menopause and Per...
Hair loss help please

🙂 Ask your GP to assess the situation, it’s obviously causing distress..You may have some deficiency that can be helped..My own hair has become very thin, and I notice hair loss..but this has occurred since it regrew after chemo.
There are some treatments to try and rectify hair loss..
Finasteride and minoxidil are the main treatments for male pattern baldness.
Minoxidil can also be used to treat female pattern baldness. Women should not use finasteride.
These treatments:do not work for everyone and only work for as long as they're used, are not available on the NHS and can be expensive.
Copied from nhs.uk
I’m sorry to hear this. I’m in surgical menopause and my hair came out loads. I’m trying one of the fancy shampoos that blocks production of DHEA that is supposed to help. It’s supposed to be used 5 times a week but unfortunately I wash mine much less as it is still long. Definitely speak to your doctor.
Hi there, I have the same problem as you and GP not very sympathetic but did blood tests to rule out nutrition deficiency, thyroid problems and other medical reasons… so you should get checked for a medical reason for the thinning rather than menopause. In the end I had a scalp biopsy as I had inflammation and shedding as well as thinning. The result was that I have female pattern hair loss which is genetic. I am using minoxidil and taking vitamin supplements. Too early to see a change yet. Try and get a referral to see a dermatologist if you can. There’s also a medication called spironolactone that I may be prescribed if the minoxidil doesn’t help. Best wishes Trish
no drugs, just take the mineral silica, works wonders!
Hi Am on treatment Zoladex before surgery and am going through the same.
I feel bad as it could worse but it’s getting me down.
I have spent so much on shampoos, supplements and also got hair tapes in to make it look thicker.
Am 43 years old and I feel cause am induced with menopause symptoms it’s a lot more heightened.I am hoping once had the op (no date yet) things will go back to normal as long as they keep my ovaries.
Any advice is much appreciated ? Am also thinking about getting it cut shorted as I feel that may help it look thicker. I have just found another website called bondiboost.co.uk/ that says to help with thinning and hair loss but just don’t know if should pay out again.
Em x