Hi everyone.I am new to this but hoping I may find some advice on my health.I have realised that the best advice comes, not always from Drs but from those people who live with illness and disabilities every day!
For a year now I have been living (or existing) with symptoms I have never experienced before in my life.I felt ill at work one day, I just wanted to sleep, couldn't stay awake.My parents had to fetch me as there was no way I could walk let alone drive home! In the car I just lay down to sleep and apparently was talking some gibberish to my mom.Got home and lay on the sofa and didn't move again for 3 days.I just slept and slept occasionally waking for a few minutes then dropping back off.As I got no better my parents took me to my GP who said 'I was stressed' but after doing my blood pressure and finding it very low referred me to the local hospital.
Hospital put me on Iv fluids and did a whole load of blood tests,I just slept, then sent me home after 24 hrs telling me to drink more and eat healthily!
Next day I had a call telling me that my cortisol levels were very low and they wanted me back for a synacthen test.This turned out normal so that was it.2 weeks of extreme fatigue and I went back to work.
For over 12 months now I alternate between stuck in bed unable to even lift a hand or head for weeks or dragging myself to work trying to get through when I'm feeling better.Ive had numerous tests, all ok apart from a Vit D of 5 ( now corrected) I have no social life, struggle to drive a lot of the time as I'm dropping off and work is getting rather impatient with me have large chunks of time off without knowing why.My memory is terrible, I lose words mid sentence and cannot remember things from recent days.My Dr says that they cannot find anything wrong and it's probably stress!
I've had anxiety and depression for 7 years so I know it is not just stress! I'm sick of feeling exhausted and have to pace myself.If I have a really long journey or go out with my family for the day I'm usually laid up 1or 2 days later shattered.
With no answers or anything and the doctors telling me well we've tried everything and all your MRI, bloods, tilt table, echo etc are normal, I'm sinking into depression more and more.