[Trigger Warning] On this New Year's ... - Major Depressive ...

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[Trigger Warning] On this New Year's Eve ...

Beaujie profile image
27 Replies

... I sit reflecting on things - on life. I can't find a sensible point to it. I still keep searching, and nothing emerges. Without discounting each of our individual and combined lived experience - which, as far as anyone in human history has ever been able to determine prior to medical death, turns out to be entirely random and short-lived before coming to a screeching halt at the end - there's nothing else. We're born, we live the most put-together version of ourselves we can muster, and then we're gone again, just like we were gone before we were born. We cling to wishes and hopes for some form of eternal consciousness after death, but it's a terrible hypothesis in any objective theatre.

I'm in so much pain. The sting of loneliness, of complete solitude, alone, is probably worse than any tangible affliction existence has shown me. And it's not all about me. Not at all. There are so many people out there, as I type these words, feeling lost, unheard, or like despite whatever choices they make they will have to be content with continuing to tread seawater while barely remembering to breathe between each passing wave - and for us this is existence.

We live within the threads that connect one facade to the next. We rarely say what we truly mean to each other, and these daily performances are a non-negotiable requirement if we want to find a niche within the social. And finding a role, a motivation, a willingness to continue running frantically on the hamster wheel of consciousness, always hoping to gain more than we lose, is equally important.

As our lives happen we are either in control or we're being controlled. Well, maybe not. Maybe we're each no more than contestants on a reality series hoping we can leverage the tools at our disposal in order to gain an advantage over the next person during enough moments in time for our lives not to feel futile, but rather to feel what we interpret as satisfaction - fleeting as it is.

It makes sense to want the best for ourselves and for our loved ones. But what motivates us? I believe the goals we set fill this role. And all of us stumble, crash, burn, and have to pick ourselves up. But what happens when someone is so consumed and exhausted by the crashing that eventually they stop setting any more goals and decide maybe it's easier just to stay down? It's not a trick question - we lose hope. We lose faith that the next day holds anything worth hanging around for. What reason can we point to for encouragement that the hamster wheel isn't just going to spin until we're flung off and another is ready to jump on in our place? At some point, there isn't one any longer.

Suffering in silence is treacherous because those closest to us are often the most blind to what's happening right in front of them - of the anguish we need so desperately for them to see, but that we're also hoping they won't notice for fear that we, ourselves, might cause any unnecessary or undue suffering for them by speaking up and saying what the hell is on our minds. We don't stay silent because it's enjoyable, or because we think we see a light shortly up ahead. We suffer in silence because the instinct that enables our loved ones' conscious or unconscious decision to pretend everything is normal rather than confronting our potentially life-threatening reality with us is the very same one that fuels our desire to shield them from the monsters we're battling alone. It's a vicious, repetitive cycle that won't end until we stand up and shout from the rooftops that we aren't actually okay, despite our manufactured smiles.

But it's a lie that once a problem has been identified it can be remedied. It can be addressed, yes, but not necessarily successfully. Maybe things turn out for the best, but then again maybe we aren't taken seriously. It's equally possible that things feel better briefly, but that speaking up truthfully is all we can do before we must pass the wand in the hope that someone we've now trusted enough to let see our pain understands that this won't be an easy fix, and that time, energy, patience, and genuine concern are all mandatory if there's going to be a positive result.

This part is out of our control - we're told we have to take responsibility for seeking support - something that's totally true - but what becomes the expectation after we've let down our defenses and allowed our true suffering to become known (if it wasn't already)? What are the requirements to be taken seriously? Do we hope the message was received and wait patiently for backup, or are we better off having the extended, unabridged meltdown we've been staving off for so long in order to ensure nobody in the room can ignore or mistake the situation? It's no easy decision.

Anyway, this is where I find myself, again. I had to get these thoughts out of my head and to somewhere - anywhere - else. If you've followed along this far then maybe you've been, or currently are, in the same boat. I hope not. I really appreciate you for letting me share this part of my mind with you tonight. I hope I awake a little lighter in the morning - it'll be time to slide into character all over again until I can come to some sort of well-reasoned plan.

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Beaujie profile image
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27 Replies
Beavis2022 profile image

I agree with the phoniness of life; I don't think there's any way of preventing it. I like to be alone while doing things I love - reading, swimming, running - anything where I'm not being observed or judged. Maybe you are like this?

Beaujie profile image
Beaujie in reply toBeavis2022

It sounds like we’re very much alike in that regard. For me, the peace and quiet, if you will, just got much less inviting at some point in the past whenever I realized that I wasn’t any longer in solitude by choice. I didn’t have anyone even if I wanted to reach out.

I’ve gained more support on this forum in a week than I bet I have in actuality in years.

Thanks for your support, Beavis. Really appreciate you.

Beavis2022 profile image
Beavis2022 in reply toBeaujie

Well, thank you! I think I know what you mean - even though I live with someone, I like to spend much of my time alone. So having the best of both worlds is the best for security and companionship. Luckily, he's the same way, but a bit more social, which is a worry sometimes. If I were left alone, I see what you mean about solitude being forced; I would feel sad and rejected, and the responsibilities are all on me. Either way, the depression and anxiety are still there, and you're right - this site is so great for likeminded people to support each other - it's been great for me, too. I have no one else to reach out to, also. Keep writing - there are millions just like us.....

Beaujie profile image
Beaujie in reply toBeavis2022

I can see where having that finely-tuned balance would be most ideal, for sure. I live with my family at the moment while I'm trying to get on my feet, and they definitely have differing habits/expectations of socializing than I do, lol. That in of itself can be a stressor, for certain. Yeah, I really am feeling like this site is indispensable as a resource - we're all alike in one way for sure - we've all actually experienced that which can only be read about in textbooks by practitioners. And they have the best of intentions, for sure, but it just isn't the same at all. Reach out to me here, or shoot a DM any time - I'm always here for you, and I appreciate you!

Existing profile image
Existing in reply toBeaujie

Yes, my loner status is no longer voluntary. I have absolutely no one to reach out to, and the agony of that loneliness is truly unbearable, and intensifies my longing for death that has always been with me. I'm also retired, even though I have things in me to fulfill, but cannot in a community that clings to the status quo of perpetual failure, and I can't seem to find my way back out after 8 years of what has truly been solitary confinement here.

But, like you, when I first came here I found and still find it to be the most supportive option around. Glad you found us.

Beaujie profile image
Beaujie in reply toExisting


We're a whole lot alike in that we don't have the kind of support network required to face the despair and utter solitude we're being faced with. I wrote back to your other post about this fact, also. But, maybe the support system I have needed, and maybe this is true for you, too, is this support network right here. I feel like I can get out of bed and pull up this page on the desktop and feel reassured that there are others there who have felt and are feeling, and know where I'm coming from. You know this better than I do since I'm so new here, but I think it's true. So glad to be accepted here.


Rufus07 profile image

I’m curious. Did you wake a little lighter this morning?

Beaujie profile image
Beaujie in reply toRufus07

You know, honestly, I was awake for about five minutes before remembering this post and scrambling to make sure I hadn't been kicked off the site yet lol. But yes, actually, today feels a little lighter, having ruminated on existence at all of your expenses. Hoping you have an awesome day :)

Rufus07 profile image
Rufus07 in reply toBeaujie

I’m not at all. Been severely depressed for almost a month now. Uncontrollable crying everyday. But this isn’t about me. I feel like a broken record talking about it. I’m glad you are feeling a bit better today and got your feelings and thoughts out.🙂

Beaujie profile image
Beaujie in reply toRufus07


Oh don't worry, by the time the sun goes down I'll be waiting for the demons to rise back up from the temporary reprieve last night's rant bought me. Know you aren't alone, at the very least. I say that at risk of sounding patronizing, since I know "we're all here and cheering for you" can sound like the same cop-out that sometimes plays on repeat in (at least) my daily life.

So, so sorry you're having to fight this battle, and I hope it's not alone as far as real life is concerned. May I ask, when you experience the uncontrollable crying, are you alone or with others? I seem to have this fear of letting my emotions show in front of others. But I very much would like to retreat to some space of my own and just open the flood gates. You've helped me already, even through just one post, so thank you. Maybe that's something I need to do. Just let my body outwardly express what my brain is feeling inside.

Thanks so much for taking the time to write. I want to be there for you equally. And you'll never, ever seem like a broken record to my eyes as I read. I promise.


Rufus07 profile image
Rufus07 in reply toBeaujie

I cry wherever I am. Alone or with others. I don’t have the control to keep it in. I can be ok at one moment and be bawling the next. My people are so used to it by now it doesn’t even faze them. Sometimes I write on here just to get the feelings out. I don’t need any replies it just feels good to talk and get it out.

Thank you for taking the time to listen also and for your kind words.

Beaujie profile image
Beaujie in reply toRufus07

Understandable. I won't reply unless you ask a question - but know we're here. I'm here.

Rufus07 profile image
Rufus07 in reply toBeaujie

Don’t get me wrong. I do like replies but if I don’t need any I will say so.

Beavis2022 profile image
Beavis2022 in reply toRufus07

I remember how awful that was. thinking it's never ending, and that my life was over. Something will change with you; it's just awful waiting and waiting, People get sick of hearing my problems, too, I guess it's not their job.....

Rufus07 profile image
Rufus07 in reply toBeavis2022

The waiting is the worse. I’m so tired of being ‘sick”. The rare times I am with a friend that’s all I have to talk about. My mental health. I guess I’d get tired of hearing it too. That’s why I prefer to be alone. It’s very rare that I am social. They stop asking after a while which is totally understandable to me. They know the answer is going to be no. Nothing brings me joy. I used to like to do so many things. Not anymore…not for years now. I’m just existing. Just going through the motions. I know how everyday is going to be. I know I am the only one that can change that and I’m really going to try. It’s just so hard. This is all I know.

Beaujie profile image
Beaujie in reply toRufus07

It sounds like you're already ahead of the game in that you are able to place yourself in your friends' position in terms of not holding it against them for not asking you to come hang out anymore, for example. Also, you mentioned you're the only one who can affect change, but also remember that while you're working on change, you may legitimately require some help along the way, and know that, along with your medical professionals, myself and plenty of others, as I have come to see, are here to talk to and gain support from! Reach out anytime.

Existing profile image
Existing in reply toRufus07

Wow, did that ever speak to me, of me. "Nothing brings me joy", such a classic symptom of depression, but I dont think people understand how, for me anyway, that leaves me with no reason to continue in a hopeless existence. Thank you so much for being open here today. Im really struggling with that deep painful emptiness in the pit of my stomach lately.

Beavis2022 profile image
Beavis2022 in reply toRufus07

I've been like that many times throughout my life. The tide will turn; who knows when..... The joylessness is so hurtful. If you can, just be kind to yourself, anything to relax by yourself, maybe. I play computer games, which totally takes my mind off of everything. I'm rarely social by nature. I'm finding a lot of people are like this. Too much time with people is exhausting.

Beaujie profile image
Beaujie in reply toBeavis2022

Same here. Until that changes, I'll do all my whining right here, haha.

Rufus07 profile image
Rufus07 in reply toBeaujie

I have gotten a lot of support from this site. Unfortunately sometimes posts make me cry a lot. Even if they don’t have trigger warnings. I have even thought a couple of times if reading things are making me worse. Have even thought about taking a break. But I always come back.

Beaujie profile image
Beaujie in reply toRufus07


This is only my opinion, but to me it shows your strength and motivation to heal that you know when it's time to take a step back and away, and to get out of the noise altogether, and then when it's been long enough and it's time for you to come back to the community. I really respect that about you.

If I ever think what I write might trigger someone I'm going to leave a note at the top for sure. If I ever forget, I apologize.

Something that I know isn't probably fun at all for you, but that I really admire and wish I could somehow allow myself to do so much more often is cry. Whenever I need to. Because I've needed, and still need, so much, just to let it all out. I've been thinking about your description of just crying whenever you need to. I am going to have that in mind the next time I feel like I'm nearing the emotional edge. So, thank you for this gift you've given me ...


Rufus07 profile image
Rufus07 in reply toBeaujie

You are welcome🙂

Beavis2022 profile image
Beavis2022 in reply toRufus07

I do the same - come back again. I need the support of likeminded people. They're the only ones who listen.

Existing profile image

I love your post. Yes, I'm in the same boat with you, and while that's comforting, we both know there is no comfort in this boat. You are an excellent writer, and though I feel arrogant saying this, it is very much akin to mine. Yes, I have those same deep existential thoughts about the futility of this life, and always have. I am particularly feeling them lately, deeply, daily. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings here. They do help me, even if its simply "misery loves company". But its all Ive got too.

Beaujie profile image
Beaujie in reply toExisting

No, there's absolutely no comfort in this boat. We're together in it, though, and that has to count for something.

One thing I think the medical community of practitioners gets wrong with regard to how to approach the problems we're trying to navigate is that they sometimes tell us we shouldn't be having the existential thoughts or thinking about what it's all for/worth, etc. It goes back to what I was mentioning earlier - if they knew the pain, they wouldn't suggest we find other "coping mechanisms" when those thoughts pop up. I'd like to think they'd instead then suggest we face those ideas head on. I understand where they're coming from, but I think it's misplaced guidance, and even sort of a "cop-out."

Thank you so much for your compliment - I can see we're alike in that way with our writing. Existing, you can reach out via DM or just right here anytime you think sharing those deep and uncomfortable thoughts would help you. I know I might actually be the one reaching out to you. I might not always be at the desk, but know that as soon as I see it, I will be responding.

Keep being unbelievably strong (even though you don't feel it) in continuing to battle and denying the bullshit our minds want to convince us of. Think the thoughts; embrace them so that they lose their power over you.

You've got this, and so do I. Here's to our gorgeous boat ...


Existing profile image

So glad to hear from you so quickly, and are open to DM. While I mostly suffer from the depths of my depression, there is a great active thread Im usually in on here called 'Anxiety and Depression" support you might check out too.

I will be in touch, believe me, I have so much to share, and have an interesting history with all things mental health, and specifically the way things are being approached right now, regarding suicide in particular. I have lived in the worst ranked state in the US for 8 years now, and cant seem to find a way out anymore, with the cost of rent, etc. I absolutely hate it here, and I do still cling to the possibility for hope in memory of other places I've lived. But, it's way too long of a story for now.

Beaujie profile image
Beaujie in reply toExisting

Oh, no problem! I'm sitting here looking for ways to make myself feel better, too. Just existing, basically. Of course, DM is fine.

When I'm passed out in bed after a few beers I'll be slower to respond, I promise haha.

I think I'm actually already a member of that one!

There's no doubt a ton I can learn from you and your experiences. I look forward to it. Very.

Hey, I don't have my own place at the moment, and I wish more than anything I could figure out a way to get into my own place ... I wouldn't care if it were on Mars at this point lol.

I'm looking at finding remote work I can use to save up to get out of my current living situation and into one where I can call the shots and be to myself when I need to be, but then also venture out whenever I'm feeling strong enough.

Hey, we don't have a time limit here, so I figure just tell me about it when you have the time and energy.


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