Hi, I am new here.. I am weaning off Paxil and having a horrific time.. I get these terrible feeling of fear, anxiety,, dread etc almost everyday around the same time.. DOes this happen to anyone else?? best, mindu
Hello: Hi, I am new here.. I am weaning... - Major Depressive ...

yes, Paxil is very hard to come off of. Stay positive and know the fear and distortion of reality won’t hurt you. Maybe the doc could give u something less potent to help the weaning off period. How long were you on it? And y are you stopping it?
Hi Bee, I have been on it for over 25 years.. weaning off 5 mg at a time but for about 8 weeks. Going to see Dr on Thursday will most likely go on another low dose of anti-depressants because I just cant stand this . I am weaning off it because it is not working anymore..How are you? best, mindy
Plus, Bee I cannot stand the fear, and anxiety doom etc. I fear I am going to lose my mind.. I wont , right.....thanks ox
Yah I was on it for about 15 years it stopped working. I weened pretty fast though it was horrible. At the same time I was a single mother trying to raise to kids with no family and my mom died at that time. So it was really hard. I made it for about a month then I went on celexa. I stayed on that for about 10 years. That too pooped out. Just stay on these sites and keep talking. It will get better. The fear is worse than anything🥰
Thanks Bee, I am praying that is will!! You feel good too!! Do you have any suggestions on a new anti-depressant for me to add? or should I see what the Dr suggests.. I think she said something about Wellbutrin. thanks
Hi Mindy, I too was on Paxil for many years. Weaning off wasn't too bad because my Dr slowly incorporated another medicine to offset the side effects. I would take your Dr's advice on what meds to take. Someone here could suggest something, but if you take other meds there could be a conflict. Better safe, than sorry. You got this 🌺
Hi Mindy- Yes, very similar side-effects from withdrawal off of Paxil. I've been taking it for about 25 years. Trying to wean off 20 mg a day. It stopped working for me- anxiety increased, irrational thoughts, etc. I've read that it is one of the more difficult SSRIs to get off of. My DR put me on Prozac to help me with symptoms - it worked but then had issued w Prozac. 😞
Hang in there. Brain chemicals are delicate and take time to readjust . Easier said than done I understand.
Hi Javagirl!! Yes, it is the worst to wean off and is one of the worst drugs I am weaning off 5 mg for about 7 weeks then cut back again, I think 20 is way to much!!!!!! I was on Paxil for over 28 years.. Found a wonderful, intelligent Dr who actually listens to me, and knows all about Paxil , Let me know how you are doing!! oxoxo