ive been feeling lonelier and lonelier everyday and idk what to do with myself or who to talk to so ive been sleeping more everyday like waking up at 12 going to sleep at 5 waking up at 9 and going to sleep at 12 pm at night its becoming very lonely and depressing and im a new college student whos yet to make friends and im trying to stah optimistic about things but it is really hard
about me: ive been feeling lonelier and... - Major Depressive ...
about me

Hello and Welcome. This is a great place to talk to people who understand. You are not alone.
it’s not easy I know. I missed home when I left for college too. Most colleges have a lot of clubs etc that cover a wide range of intetests. Sometimes it’s much easier to meet people when you share an interest. I don’t know what you are studying but I bet there’s a club for it or something else you’re interested in. For me it was the horticulture club. People were very laid back and came from all areas of agriculture and they loved to have a good time! Look around see what you can find. Don’t stay in your room get out and get some fresh air!
I feel this. When I first got to college, I was lonely and was feeling extreme social anxiety - living in the dorms was outragously scary for me. I got into a cycle like you're descibing. Sleeping through a lot of the day, then not being able to sleep at night, but the upside was I didn't have to worry about running into anyone else if I left my room. I was skipping classes and not turning in homework which caused me more shame and less desire to engage. Long story short, I basically gave up. I still feel disappointed in myself for it, but that's something I'm working on in therapy.
Anyway, I know it doesn't always help just knowing that other people have suffered with mental health...sometimes it makes me feel worse. What always makes me feel a little better is talking about myself. My own feelings, my own pain, my own shame and guilt and embarrassment and whatever else that comes up. That's what's cool about places like this, sometimes the best thing to do is get all those thoughts and feels out of your head, so good on you for starting that.
I'm gonna echo what others said here, groups and clubs are good. I know it sucks to put yourself out there especially when you're feeling low, but it's something I wish I'd done when I was your age. Literally the best thing you can do is go out and talk to people, you're going to find people you actually want to talk to, you just might have to weed through a few first.
Oh! and set a sleep schedule right now! Go to bed at the same time every night and get out of bed at the same time every morning. Then get some fresh air right away when you wake up, you don't even have to talk to anybody, it always get me out of my head. When I start spiraling the first thing that goes is my sleep routine and that makes everything else harder.
Hi Candyeater. I am in the same boat as you. I have been traumatized by a narcissist that I fell in love with. I cry every day still despite the emotional abuse. I have no one to turn to either. I am here as best as I can be if you need to talk
thank you for your prayer i appreciate it very much I am taking it up to ho to some study groups around campus other than that im not sure what else to do but i will let time unfold that for me