When I was first born my parents immediately threw me into foster care at the year of 2004 19 years ago crazy
(I'm 18) I was abused by my foster parents when I was younger cuz they never treated me with actual care cuz the shitty government system all they ever cared about was the pay they got for keeping me a random runt in therye house they'd buy me the smallest amount of clothes to get me by cps inspection and use the rest for themselves I never got any love from my family's if I did it was only for a little till they threw me to the next family never actually teaching me anything for 5 years straight I've been learning on my own I learned how to read and write on my own from school no help from parents (I never got to keep very much when I moved it'd "disappear" as if it was stolen everytime I changed to a different foster family which leads to how one of my only things I used to cope got stolen after I moved to Texas my xbox by another little kid man kids are ruthless I hate kids just because of these experiences I've had with them when I was younger) I had nothing to do all day I had not a single form of entertainment my room was a plain guest bedroom with no window and there was a reversed lock I remember this cuz they would lock me in there when I had made some sort of mistake like fighting I got into tons of fights since I moved alot I was always new to everyone and little kids aren't nice to the fresh meat I would get locked in that room a lot and I think this is where my childhood Disassociative identity disorder started to bloom
from all the boredom I guess i made characters in my head and they became part of me through all this trauma to help me have a way to get through the struggle of complete bore of being locked in an empty room 24/7 part 2? Like if you want to hear more in the future?