I came here to tell you all about the wonderful races our lovely VRBs are doing this weekend ... but at time of posting I don't see any! (EDIT: don't rest just yet, keep reading...)
Do we have anyone out there racing this weekend or coming week? If so, tell us now and we can send lots of cheers and support your way.
If not ... well, our pompoms may just get a rest this weekend! Make the most of it though, because April is shaping up to be a busy, busy month!!! EDIT: OK. This post has elicited at least one racer out of the shadows, so there's no time for resting after all...
⭐On Sunday, O505k will be running the Kew Gardens HM. The run starts at 8:00am (which, with the clocks are going forward overnight, will feel like 7:00am!), so an early night may be called for on Saturday! I've done this one and loved it! A bimble round the gardens themselves followed by an out and back along the Thames - it's a beautiful route. The weather looks absolutely fabulous, and if you've anything left in your legs there's free entry to the gardens all day for runners and guests. Enjoy and do let us know all about it!!!
Whatever you have planned this weekend, whether you get to run or not, we hope it's a restful and enjoyable one 😎
From your team, Irishprincess , Beachcomber66 and me xxx
To tell us about your April events, head here: