We’re sure you wouldn’t forget about them anyway, but just in case - this is where you can let know about your NOVEMBER 2023 races and running events!
It doesn’t matter whether this is your first race or your umpteenth, what distance you’re running, or where your event’s being held. We’d just love to know what you’re up to and show you some support!
All you need to do is reply to this post with the name and date of your event, and include a link to the website if you can. Then we’ll add you to the events spreadsheet so that your VRBs can check out all the details – see here: docs.google.com/spreadsheet...
Even better, when race day arrives, your very own HU cheerleaders will gather round virtually to give you a Friday POMPOM CHEER!
Wishing you good luck with your training, and happy racing!
From The Team xxx
🏅 For any remaining October events, let us know here: healthunlocked.com/marathon...
🏅 Achieved a shiny new distance badge? Whether it’s 10 miles, HM, Metric Marathon, Marathon or Ultra (50K and beyond), get yours here: healthunlocked.com/marathon...