Well, I managed an early 11k today - my aim was to beat the warmish weather, but in all honesty I could have had a little lie in as the temperature wasn’t all that different between when I started and when I finished. A nice breeze though 😊.
I used my brand spanking new running belt which holds a nice sized bottle and has a little ish pocket. So I popped some Belvitas in there and off I went. I was worried I’d find it a bit annoying but I got used to it quickly and so much cooler than a vest!
Anyway, not much to report really. Everything looks very dry and yellow at the moment. We really need some rain ☔️! I remembered for once to run along the edge of a field which runs parallel to the woods - great views but very flinty and rocky underfoot. A very earnest looking hiker lady was at the top of the field arms outstretched and smiling. I think she was literally embracing the view 🤣. Anyway, I had to run past her and said good morning. She did look rather funny.
Just slurping on my post run coffee. It really is delicious! Have a smashing day all 😊😊😊.