Did a10k on Sunday , the first one since January 2019 . Had some time away due to illness .
I'm planning to do the GNR in September, held over from 2019 due to my illness , and then postponed last year of course .
Anyway, Sunday evening after my 10k I had the most excruciating cramp in my right calf - I mean it was almost screaming out loud painful ! It eased with massage and stretching so my question is - how to prevent it as I'm sort of happy with how training is going and don't want to scupper my plans . Third time lucky and all that.
I will admit that I didn't do any serious stretches after the 10k , and had a car journey home of an hour .I feel I drunk enough water so dehydration shouldn't have been a problem .
I've read that age can be a factor ( I'm 61 ) and magnesium can help .( just bought some tablets ) , but soes anyone have any information or tips .
I've been our for 6k today and made myself do some stretches π