Epic Fail - UPDATE : Hi all. I'm... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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Epic Fail - UPDATE

Maumel profile image
34 Replies

Hi all. I'm training for the Royal Parks Half on 10 October 2021 and have just failed to complete my long run today. I'm gutted. I was due to run 14K which would have been my longest run yet. I had run 12K last week which I found fine, without fuel or water.

This week, I thought that I'd try something new and drove to a canal, around 20 minutes away. I've always thought that it sounded nice running along the tow path, plus I figured that it would be relatively flat. It started fine, but after a couple of K, the path went from tarmac to gravel. It also became very narrow, overgrown, and close to the water. I think that it was the gravel that was the main issue as I was sliding around quite a bit and it was pretty uneven too. I only usually run on roads so this was very different. I knew that I was in trouble by 6K and only managed to complete 10K. I just hit a wall. I had tried a couple of jelly babies, (also for the first time), which made me feel sick. Even the rippling water made me feel a bit dizzy. So all in all it was a bit of a disaster.

Now I'm panicking that I'm behind. I'm due to run a 10K in an event on Sunday, (which coincides with dropping back in my training plan), then my next long run is the following week and 16K. I can't see how I can complete a 16 when I've failed at 14K.

I guess I'm hoping for some reassurance. I wasn't sure if I could complete a HM but you guys gave me the courage to go for it a couple of months back. Does anyone have some words of wisdom as to how I should proceed now?

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Maumel profile image
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34 Replies
Sandraj39 profile image
Sandraj39Half Marathon

Firstly, don’t panic!It’s good that your 12k went well the previous week but I do think you need to address hydration and fuelling now that your runs are getting longer. It’s also much warmer again at the moment , which may well have played a part. Did you carry water with you? I use Tailwind for hydration and fuel - it’s a powder you mix with water and provides carbs and electrolytes (link below if you’re interested).


I assume also that you are really dropping your pace on the long runs? It makes a huge difference.👍😀

Whether any of these things are factors or not, remember we all sometimes just get “one of those” runs. It does not mean the next will be the same! Keep following your plan and also remember that the atmosphere and adrenaline on race day can really help too! Good luck.🙂

Maumel profile image
Maumel in reply to Sandraj39

Thanks for replying Sandraj39, it means a lot. 🙂 I did take a small bottle of water which was warm by the time that I had some. I have been looking at Tailwind as I don’t think that sweets or gels will work for me as they’re so sickly.

You’re right, it was hot too so hopefully it was just a combination of unfamiliar terrain and hot weather and maybe just one of those days. 🤞

nowster profile image
nowsterMetric Marathon

Running on gravel isn't easy. If you're dodging overhanging branches or weeds that can definitely kill your rhythm.

Today was warmer than last week. You probably got a little dehydrated.

If you were doing a strict 10% weekly increase, the sequence would be 12.0, 13.2, 14.5, 16.0, 17.6, 19.3, HM.

You could probably safely round that to 12.0, 13.5, 14.75, 16.1 (10 miles), 17.75, 19.5, HM. That's seven weeks. There aren't seven weeks to October 10th.

How many runs are you doing a week, and how are you structuring them?

Maumel profile image
Maumel in reply to nowster

Hi Nowster. I’m doing 3 runs per week plus 2 days of weights/tempo or intervals. The other 2 runs are 5k’s. For the long run, I’ve worked up to 10k, then , 12, then I had 14, then 10, 16, 18, 12, then race day. I got the plan from on here somewhere.

nowster profile image
nowsterMetric Marathon in reply to Maumel

OK. That's an interesting programme. Build up, drop back, build up again.

Maybe you could retry 14km as your next long run instead of the 10km, then do 3km instead of the first of the 5km runs that would have followed?

I've not yet reached the HM distance. Something always keeps getting in the way. Maybe this month...

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Maumel

This sounds like a good approach. The 10% rule generally applies to your weekly mileage, not specifically to the long run. The cut back weeks are really helpful too. Remember many plans don't go betond 16k in training, so as Sandra says - do not panic! Get back to the surface you are used to for your next long run. Find a way take more fuel and liquid. If you aren't keen on sweet things, maybe try mini cheddars or hula hoops or something like that. Or a coffee flavoured bar which takes the edge off the sweetness too. Keep experimenting til you find what works for you. Remember, one bad run isn't a fail - it's an opportunity to learn. Sray calm. Stick with your plan (I would probably aim for 14k in your next long run, really slow and steady). Good luck and let us know how it goes.

Maumel profile image
Maumel in reply to linda9389

Thanks Linda. I have a 10k event booked for this Sunday which is the day of my next long run. Should I miss that and go for the 14k then do you think or swap the 16 for 14 the following week?

After yesterday, I’m a bit concerned that the 10k will be difficult as it’s a trail run. I didn’t realise that when I booked it. 🤔

And omg hula hoops. Now you’re talking my kinda language 😆

nowster profile image
nowsterMetric Marathon in reply to Maumel

Ah, that complicates things! Definitely stick to the booked event.

And you've just shown you can do 10km in trail running. 😜

The 16km distance is the crucial one in the training. How to get there safely?

One idea that springs to mind would be to extend the short run immediately following your 10km a bit.

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Maumel

One training method often used in longer distance running is 'back to back' runs: you do a long run followed by a short run either later the same day or the very next day.If you want to do your trail event make sure to take it easy, you could then run another slow 4 or 5k at the end of that day, or first thing the next. You could then reduce (or even skip) your next planned short run and then follow the plan as normal.

Alternatively, if you aren't keen on the trail run - skip it and go fi8r a really easy, slow 14k, then continue with the plan.

I think either approach will work for you. Whichever you decide - we will all be cheering you on.

Maumel profile image
Maumel in reply to linda9389

Thanks Linda. I was wondering if I could carry on after the 10k but I like your idea of the back to back. I’m going to look at that and give both options some thought. Thanks again for your advice, it’s much appreciated.

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Maumel

Carrying on after the 10k would also work! Consider what pace you would run the event at though - if you run it at anything faster than your long slow run pace, I would give yourself a bit of a break before attempting the remaining 4k. You want to get this 14k successfully under your belt, not give yourself a mountain to climb!

Sandraj39 profile image
Sandraj39Half Marathon in reply to Maumel

That looks like a good plan to me and similar to what I do when building up to a HM🙂👍

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to nowster

Generally the 10%rule applies to your weekly mileage rather than specifically to your long run distance. Increments of 2km per week are common in a HM plan. It is also good practice to have a cut back week every four or five weeks as it allows for recovery - I love those weeks 😀

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrHalf Marathon

Never use the fail word here on any of the forums from C25K to the marathon one, that was a practice run for your Royal Parks Half in October, take a extra day off training, drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration, perhaps that's one of the reasons why you didn't complete your run today, for your next run, run it at a slower pace, good luck for your HM on October 10th.

Maumel profile image
Maumel in reply to AlMorr

Thanks AlMorr. I think dehydration was definitely a factor.

And I’m suitably reprimanded for using the ‘f’ word 🙂.

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon

You didn’t fail Maumel. You ran in alien surroundings on a very warm day. You completed your run, maybe not as far as you’d intended, but they were useful miles in your legs, and you can be sure that the Royal Parks HM won’t be on gravel!

I definitely recommend taking water and fuel on longer runs. Personally I like Tailwind powder or SIS electrolyte tablets, along with a few jelly babies or Haribos. You needn’t make your drink full strength; in fact I often use just half an SIS tablet or half a Tailwind sachet if I’m running in cooler conditions and don’t need as much water.

Good luck with your continued training. We all get less than perfect runs, and normally bounce right back. 😀

Maumel profile image
Maumel in reply to cheekychipmunks

Thanks cc. 🙂. I do feel a bit better about it this morning. I was really upset yesterday so thanks a lot for your support.

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon in reply to Maumel

You’re more than welcome. We’ve all been there. 🥰

misswobble profile image

Some runs are just pants. Go again, suitably sustained by breakfast, tote snacks in pocket and a drink 💦

You’ll nail it next time 👍🙂🌪

Maumel profile image
Maumel in reply to misswobble

Thanks misswobble. I really need to take hydration and nutrition seriously. Thanks for your support, it means a lot. 😃

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to Maumel

I ran today and it was terrible from start to finish ☹️ I had a 15 min recovery run planned before going into a 5k jog. I had the worst stitch I’ve had in a long time. I couldn’t shake it off 😤

I had to get home after that so slowly jogged towards home but I still had stitch so had to walk.

Never mind. Scrub it out and start again 🙂. I’m only glad I didn’t have a long run on the cards

There’s always the next run 😃💪👍

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to Maumel

Thank about hydration for 24 hour all-round protection. I neglected to do so yesterday and it cost me during my run today.

Maumel profile image
Maumel in reply to misswobble

Oh I’m sorry that you had a bad one 🙁.

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to Maumel

It was rubbish but I finished the job. Tick ✅

Curlygurly2 profile image
Curlygurly2Half Marathon

That just sounds like a horrible run, one best forgotten. I can well understand the gravel, the overhanging branches and the water making you dizzy...It wasn't you that was o good, it was where you ran. Don't go there again, put it behind you and believe the next one will be better.

I had a rubbish run yesterday too, I was aiming for 16 K, but gave up at 14 K, and had loads of walk breaks.One rubbish run doesn't mean you can't do the distance, you had all sorts of problems to deal with.

My HM is a week after yours, we'll get round we are HU-ers!

Maumel profile image
Maumel in reply to Curlygurly2

Thanks for your kind words Curlygurly. You can be sure that I'll never go there again. Ever 😆

Irish-John profile image

Relax :)

You ran well over difficult territory. That's no failure :)

Even in optimal conditions, there can be a "less successful" run day. We are humans, not machines after all :)

It can work the other way also - some of the best runs I've ever had were on days I really felt lousy when ai went out the door.

A lot of this running lark is the mental game - we can talk ourselves up or down without even realising it :)

One thing for sure though - if we run all tensed up physically as well as mentally that saps a lot of stamina and energy.

My first event was a 5k. I have to laugh looking back and remembering how anxious I was about it - really unsure even though I had done several practice runs of 5k :)

My third HM, I only staryed because my friends did, I hadn't trained "properly", had little sleep and "proper" nutrients beforehand etc etc. I honestly was just hoping I'd at least make the first mile before grinding to a halt. Ended up finishing it, and a PB :)

If you put in anything close to the running hours in training, and by that I mean consistency of how often you run rather than how far you run, and on the day itself just run without pressuring yourself to be "fast" - those factors plus the huge and inexplicable boost you get from being with other Runners and from the cheers of the spectators will carry you further than you think :) Your first HM is new territory for you, basically a good learning experience rather than a known set of circumstances, and will give valuable info for subsequent ones :)

I myself am actually presently so far behind my training for a FM in December its kind of hilarious im a "David versus Goliath" sense. Hopefully I won't end up being Goliath - but even if I "fail" to reach the finish line, I'll enjoy seeing just how far I can get, and the day out.

And like they say, better to be a DNF than "Didn't Try", right? ; ) In EVERY race there's always those who don't make it to the end, I've never regarded them as anything less thanvwhat they are - fellow Runners. In December, if I end up in the sag wagon with them I'll be in good company so all in all there are only "win"and "draw" - no "lose" :)

Best wishes in your training and on the day, and I look forward to your Race Report :)

Maumel profile image
Maumel in reply to Irish-John

Wise words Irish-John, thank you so much. I do feel that I have to finish as I'm running for charity. Having said that, I'm not aiming to be fast in any way. I just want to get round and enjoy it, hopefully.

I've not run in any event yet, not even a park run, so my 10k this weekend should be interesting.

Thanks for your support, and good luck with your training and FM in December.


Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnMarathon in reply to Maumel

I think you will find the 10K more enjoyable than you may foresee :) Its a great feeling for a former non-Runner to know they have rightfully earned a place at a Start Line :)Don't let the gremlins het to you :) 👍🏻

Maumel profile image
Maumel in reply to Irish-John

Thanks 😊

GoGo_JoJo profile image

No biggie. It's all useful experience.

Sort your fueling out. I prefer real food, oat based snack bars, that kind of thing.

Just make the 16k a 15...

Enjoy the 10k, it should help energise you 👍🏻

Maumel profile image
Maumel in reply to GoGo_JoJo

Thanks, I’d not thought of snack bars 👍

GoGo_JoJo profile image
GoGo_JoJoUltramarathon in reply to Maumel

I like Nakd snack bars, Graze, Frusili, Eat Natural (ginger, apple and dark chocolate is just lovely). I also like Tesco wheaties, they have a blueberry or apricot version, 10 ea = 1 portion. I allow 1 snack per hour after the first hr/90 mins depending on when I last ate. Try to stick to things you like to eat anyway.

Not every run can be a good one, doesn't mean the next won't be though 😁

Maumel profile image

Hi everyone

Thanks so much for each of your replies.

Well, I completed my trail 10k on Sunday. It was difficult, as it was a trail run, but I did it and am so happy. Following advice on here, I collected my medal 😃, then came home to rest and rehydrate for a couple of hours. I then went out and did another 4k. So I did it....😄

I just did a slow 3k and some weights yesterday and intend to do my next long run, 16k, on Friday.

All back on track, I hope.

Thanks again everyone 😁

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