Had swelling in left knee after running. Doctor took a look at x-rays and said he was most concerned about the other knee (20 year old ACL repair). But only left knee hurts. He said to stop running or end up with knee replacements and then I’d never run again. Does that make sense? It sounded to me like he said “stop running now or stop running later.” I’d rather stop running later, if it’s all the same to you! He said he thought he saw a knee spur right where I have pain and swelling. I don’t understand why they can’t just get rid of the spur. I’m on my way to see another doctor Monday. Maybe he can help me more or at least explain it better. This SUCKS!! I find it offensive to go to someone who calls themselves a “Sports Medicine” doctor and his only solution is stop doing your sport. Any advice for talking to doctors is welcome.
Anyone been told to stop running by y... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...
Anyone been told to stop running by your doctor due to knee arthritis?

That doctor sounds really unhelpful. Can't advise on talking to doctors, just hope you get a more positive result on Monday.

My friend has been told that she had knee arthritis and her doctor also told her to stop running. She hasn’t like.

Sorry I have nothing useful to say, but (((Sortfrunning))).

Definitely worth a second opinion, but I’m afraid I have nothing helpful to add SOR. I hope you’re able to continue running for as long as you’re able. 🤞

Hopefully that doctor you will see on Monday will be a little more helpful to you regarding running, it's like a older runner over 65 going to a doctor due to a slight injury and the doctor says "stop running, go and spectate instead, you are too old to run" I hope that the doctor you see on Monday will help you to run again.

I thought NOT running was bad for your knees
My doc told me that if I kept running I’d end up with arthritis down the line. He then urged me to take Statins 🤷♀️
I declined his advice and his medicine
A second opinion sounds like a good idea. Good luck 🙂👍
As others have mentioned, I'm not a medic, but it may not be the best advice that you have been given,. At the very least, it doesn't sound like there was much empathy or understanding of how important running is to you.Many of us are running with arthritic conditions , mine is in lower back, and has been easier since running. My gp, knowing my medical history and level of fitness, encouraged me to do C25k, and I'm very glad I did.
Well done for seeking another opinion. I hope you hear a more positive prognosis and good, sound advice given to you with a full appreciation of your background. A quick check of knee problems, reveals that knee spurs can be addressed with microscopic surgery but, of course, each case is specific to the individual
Do let us know how things go in due course, meanwhile I send you every good wish.
Thank you. I understand that it is probably not easy for the doctors to see beyond my age. It is my job to explain to them that I am not in the 75% of women my age who are overweight or obese or generally inactive (I was but I am not any longer and I’m not planning on going back there either). I need the doctor to understand the baseline. Thank you!
I do not have any experience with knee arthritis, but do have a long-running experience with having to work with GPs in understanding and managing my condition.
Every time I face a new doctor who will be involved in my condition, I have THE CONVERSATION now, before anything else.
THE CONVERSATION goes along the following lines.
- I am good in managing my own condition and I would like your (doctor‘s) help in understanding how to manage my condition
- I hope that he/she understands that this is a process similar to a partnership, but that I am the one with the everyday lived experience and expertise of what works and what doesn’t. The ways of managing my condition has to fit in with my own personal contexts, including any choices of medical interventions.
- I value his/her input, but in the end it is me having to make the day-to-day choices around managing this condition.
And as a last question, I ask if he/she is ok with that.
If I sense there is a negative reaction to the above, I get a different GP. The best GP’s actually welcomed this approach.
I feel that a doctor can give me some facts and likelyhoods, but that I will know my body best. And it is a personal choice, as well, balancing other health and well-being benefits, those related to any decisions I may make, for example to keep on running.
I think you should be able to expect that a doctor will work with you constructively and with any decision you may make in regards to running.
Not sure any of this helps, but as you can tell, I think we need to see a shift here of a specific, but in my experience widespread, medical culture of the “doctor knows best”.
In the end, it is the person living through this experience who will need to make very personal decision with all information and experience they may have, and that they may receive.
I really hope you find a great way forward.
This is extremely constructive and helpful. I need to get this out before the doctor starts talking about x-rays. Thank you!!

As a teenager in the late 70’s I was advised by a doctor that if I didn’t stop skiing I’d be in a wheelchair by the time I was 40. I was told in my mid 50’s by my doctor “ don’t expect to be so active at your age, think what your mother would have been doing at a similar age”. I still ski, or did pre COVID, hard, steep and fast. I took up running at age 57 now covering more than 100km a month. I’m fitter and both physically and mentally better for my active life than I ever was in the past. As CBDB says, we have to take responsibility for ourselves, it is us that live with our bodies, we have to find doctors that take the time to listen and see our point of view. Ok, get X-rays, scans, whatever but use this evidence to work in your favour not against you. I really hope you find a professional who works with you and doesn’t take the “lazy” option. If they give you hard evidence for giving up running then ask them for alternative sports they will support you in pursuing. Good luck 🤗

Such interesting comments here Sortofrunning - but most interesting and inspiring is reading your profile and all you have been through to get where you are! You sound like one very tough and determined lady and my guess is this is not the end of your running journey! I do think finding a gp who is more understanding of us dear runners might help.
It’s strange the perceptions of what we should and shouldn’t be doing at ‘our age’🤣. I am ‘only’ 56 and am so proud of what I have achieved with my running and although I am not as fast as I was when I was young, I can run far further and hope to keep doing so for many years. There are so many inspiring stories from folk far older than me on this forum and they truly are the best role models! 💪😍 Good luck!🙂

Can't help with the gp, really hope the second person is better! The first one was a prize plonker 🙄
However, it might be worth looking at some additional strength work. Are you still seeing your PT? It could be that you can work on your core, quads etc to build more strength to take the pressure off the knee.
Where do you primarily run? Trails are usually softer than tarmac and and less stress through the knees.
🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 all round!
Thank you. I workout everyday and core is great. I think my glutes and hamstrings could use more strengthening so I’m working on them. I really want to do trail running but need a partner. My first attempt resulted in me tripping over a tree root within 10 feet of starting!! Lol. I fell, it seems, on my nose! Hurt like hell for a week! Definitely need a buddy to trail run.
I've added to my daily workouts: "good mornings" for hamstrings and frog pumps, Banded clams, glute bridges and one legged bridges for glutes. I need to get on with hip thrusters for real glute progress but I find it hurts my shoulders/back regardless of what I use to lean against. It's probably poor technique. I will persevere!
Falls kind of go with the territory! Especially when I disobey my primary rule: stop to gawp! Every time I've fallen I've taken my eyes off the ground and paid the price. Buddy doesn't stop you falling mind, just gives you someone to help and/or laugh at you!! 🤣👍🏻