Hi everyone, as others have posted about their plans, I thought I’d add mine:
-RED January (3 days in, and still going strong)
- Continue LEJOG4. I’m now about 550 miles into the challenge, and hoping to finish by April 2021.
- Keep plugging away with Route 66 (which I’ve just started). So far I’ve got roughly 20 miles in 3 days, but back to work tomorrow so that will go down!
- Run the (virtual) London Winter Run
- Start training tomorrow (4 January) for the Vitality Big Half, which is due on 25 April 2021. I suspect it will be virtual by then but I’ll run it anyway.
- When Parkrun comes back, volunteer regularly and get my ‘25 Volunteer’ Parkrun t-shirt.
- Support our running friends however I can, on Strava, on here and the LEJOG and Route 66 Facebook group.
I’m sure I’ve got lots of other events lined up but I can’t think of them now.
Happy New Year everyone!