Went out to do 18 miles today. Turned out to be yet another disaster in a long line of cr@p runs. I’d only done parkrun in the last 4 days to get a good rest in. My legs weren’t too bad (once I’d taken off the compression socks I tried!) but I couldn’t get my breathing sorted. I feel like quitting marathon training. I’m going to go to club tomorrow for a slow run which will be probably 4 miles and then I’m having another go on Friday - my friend has convinced me to just go on another run and simply see what we can do with no set distance. I think if it goes badly I might quit. Whatever happens, I’m quitting the marathon plan as I’m just not recovering enough in time for the next long run. I’m going to cut back on the mid week runs and see how that goes. I’ve decided to hide everything on Strava and not look at anyone else’s runs as that’s also stressing me out!
Run fail. Plan fail. : Went out to do... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...
Run fail. Plan fail.

There is definitely something in the air Tasha. My wife and I have both been suffering stuffed up throats/chests which mess with our breathing, and I have upped my asthma meds.Not planning any heroic distances this week! Just saying, might not be you at all?Time to just do what you can without pushing it too much?

I’m sorry to hear you’re feeling like this. I’m sure you’ve been told this but listen to your body. You’re being wise seeing how the next run goes. Training is hard on the body and mind. Take care. x
Thanks Alka. See how my new approach goes 👍🏽
You are not the only one Tasha. I skipped my long run this week - had hoped for 18miles but my achilles was hurting. I only managed 50metres and thought no - just rest instead. Very unlike me. I’m cutting back some of my mid week plan runs too so I can recover more. Hope you get on ok later in the week, but stick with it. We all have bad weeks and good weeks and we need time to adapt.

Don't be too hard on yourself. A training plan is just words on paper. So give yourself a little break and a little treat. Get a massage, have a spa day. Be nice to yourself...! Did the socks help ?
it sounds as if you’re unwell. It’s not like you to talk in terms of failing. Was it you that mentioned needing your inhaler in another post? Why don’t you take a little time out to rest and get well, then see how you feel about the marathon. Is there a half marathon you could aim for if the marathon training goes tits up? You’re such a positive, strong runner, but bodies aren’t machines and training is hard when you’re under par. A marathon is a huge deal as well.
Thank you. I’ve got a half booked in but I don’t expect to do a PB or anything mid training. It’s my Strava you’re remembering Flick. If I lessen the mid week runs I might recover better. 🤞🏽
Fingers and toes crossed for you. Also sometimes our bodies need time to adjust to a heavier load. I was deadly tired a few weeks back with my half marathon training. I decided it was my age and I just wasn’t up to doing the distance- but I got through it and feel much fitter now.

After complaining yesterday about running 10 miles for a half marathon and having sore toenails it made me realise what a huge deal a marathon must be. It’s out of my league, so I’m in awe of those like you who are tackling it. As Flick says just be kind to yourself over the next few days. Chin up 🏃♀️
Can I just say that a marathon is very difficult... I mean, it's incredible! I think only 1% will ever do one in their life. I don't know if this helps, I don't know if it's the right thing to say.. But you're doing something that is absolutely extraordinary.

Don’t give up, Tasha. Just go easy on yourself and don’t feel pressured.
I’ll try! Thank you. Don’t want it to beat me!
Also dont forget many many people walk part of it, and that's acceptable and the norm, so if you feel under pressure on the day, take it step by step and adapt if you need to.

I am not experienced but if I were feeling like you are I would take a week off, give yourself permission to rest, walk a bit, maybe swim a bit, but cut right back on the running. I had an enforced week off for an infected/inflammed insect bite and I was annoyed but with hindsight I think it did me good.
Just my 2 cents
You sound a bit down. If the plan is not working then you need to adjust it until it fits. Reduce either pace or distance. You're not a quitter.

Oh Tasha, don’t be down on yourself. It sounds like you need to press the reset button. How about taking a break from running for a week (or longer it needs be) to give your body a rest, then start building up again slowly? Or just run naked (you know what I mean!!) with all pressure off for a few runs? Keep it fun. 🏃♀️👍
The obvious questions as regards yesterday’s run are: were you well prepared? Nutrition, hydration, good sleep? Were you anxious about the run, or anything else, which might have affected your breathing? Either way, please don’t let that run stop you in your tracks. You’re an incredible runner. Just give yourself a break and see if you can bounce back in a little while. ❤️
Thank you. I was very anxious about the run and didn’t sleep til gone 2am for worrying about it. I feel quite overwhelmed by it. My legs did seem to have recovered somewhat as I’d had a nice rest prior to that. Hopefully by doing less mid week my legs will recover more ready for long runs again - I know I can run 17 and 20 miles but at the moment I can’t get there at all. I was better before the plan!

It sounds like you have over done the training to me. I would Take at least a whole week out. Try it. No parkrun, just rest. And eat well. Then only do short runs at your slowest pace (aerobic). It will come back. I had this happen to me in the weeks before the summer holiday. I wish I could send you a picture of my plummeting vo2 max score looking like a ski slope. I was pretty depressed and just had no “go” left. So I researched overtraining and ended up trying the maffetone running technique for the next 6 weeks and then slowly started to build up my speed again. You can check my Strava details to see what happened and what recovery looks like. I’m flying now. Back to it.
Good luck Tasha.
Actually it was AlMorr who put me onto this runner called Pete Magill who recommends resting one more day after you feel ready to run. Admittedly he refers to sprint training but I think the technique is sound. He calls it super compensation. It works for older runners like me very well.
Thanks! I think I’d struggle to miss a week of running as I’ve run 3 times a week without fail since starting Couch to 5k! I’ve got 4 days off after tomorrow though 👍🏽 And a sports massage booked in on Saturday.
What Pete Magill was suggesting works well for marathon training as well. Here is the post where I talked about this:
It really can help to get away from the notion that you have to run three times a week (or any number of days per week), and think about what works best for you!
Also, no-one has to run a marathon! If you want to do it, do it on your own terms.
I would also suggest that you actively choose to introduce some walking breaks into your training runs - this will really help build your stamina without breaking you. Also I guarantee that you WILL be taking walking breaks during your marathon, so it is a very good idea to practice them - when you are very tired it gets difficult to get going again after a break.
But for now, forget all about marathons, just enjoy your rest xxx

Tasha99, you are one of the people that inspired me to go out last night. I read your post whilst I was battling the idea of not running. Knowing that you were finding it tough, helped me to remember I am not alone and that made the decision easier.
I can’t imagine ever doing those kind of distances but I do know that the 16 mile I tried a few weeks back was a bit of a train wreck (was also the bad compression sock day). Reflecting afterwards, I realised I had put too much pressure on myself, and like you had worried about doing it. If I ever tried it again I think I would just go out someday and just run and see how far I get. Your friend’s idea is a good one!
I think the plans are hard when there is a ‘have to’ element we create for ourselves. It’s also hard when no one else seems to be struggling and although we know we shouldn’t compare, we probably all do to some degree. Maybe have a chat to your coaches at the club, because they have probably been through this before. Everything seems to affect a run - sleep, nutrition, hydration, hormones, weather - it’s a wonder we get go out at all. Also wanted to say just take one run at a time. Not every run is going to be the same, thank goodness. Hope the rest of the week gets better and at least at Parkrun you can enjoy the walking xx

If it is keeping you awake worrying, definitely time to have a rethink. Running is supposed to be fun, so maybe think about what makes you smile and build it into your plan. You are a brilliant runner and an inspiration but it is not worth making yourself ill! A bit of pampering and taking care of yourself needed, then you will get back on track. Even if you decide the marathon is not for you, you’ve done the half and that is amazing 😉

I am sorry you are struggling Tasha. How far do you run midweek out of interest and how often? I run once on my own and once with my running group Thursday morning anything between 1-3 miles. I have made my Strava private because someone following me said I wasn't doing a long enough run mid week however although I had to walk just over six miles of my 16miles last Saturday (17th August)I know I would have struggled if I had run more miles midweek. I have done this for all my halves so far and have had no issues. You have to do what works for you. Don't give up. You inspired me to carry on training for the Yorkshire Marathon when I was thinking I had bitten off more than I can chew. You can do it!!
Thanks Pippa! It’s hard isn’t it?! My plan had like a 7 and 2x5 miles mid week. I need more rest! Hopefully it’ll help. At least we’re in it together 🤣

aahh no. ...sad post to read. don't give up!!
Be kind to yourself and listen to your body...but you can do it!!!
you are doing fab and an inspiration

I never did anything harder than marathon preparations, at times more demanding than the actual final run. Going 4 times per week for months, increasing distances in any weather conditions, running (no walking at all) all of the training except the last 7K of the marathon when I began to fall apart and had to run/walk - or quit. I am still cross about it but that was it, that was my limit, I could not take it any further. I will never say that walking 42k is easy, far from it, but my target was running the entire distance non-stop and l simply couldn't pull it off. Just yet.
Try and figure out why you want to do it first and then check and see whether your body can do it. No need to go through the gauntlets and pain, frustration and constant questioning, we need to understand our body limits. My primary concern is well-being of my body through (in this case) prevention from injuries. One thing is certain, if we push ourselves beyond the edge, the injuries will do the rest.
Also! Not sure what program you are following as there were some that I dismissed immediately. I never wanted any that would insist on timing, only distances. I went as slow or as comfortable as I felt on any given day, finding my rhythm. Maybe a wrong program is adding unnecessary strain? Check it out, sometimes the solution is simpler than we think.
Thank you for your reply. I’m impressed you had no walk stops! I can’t fuel whilst running so walk for about a minute. Hopefully scrapping the plan and doing less mid week will help 👍🏽
I agree that these plans are very taxing. I suspect they're overly hard for a first marathon/HM, and we beat ourselves up if we can't keep up. Do what's right for you, you know your body best 😁
Hi Tasha, I know little about marathons, so no comment there - however, take a moment when you are resting to remember what you have achieved since you started C25K. - Life transforming stuff! You have been travelling a fantastic journey. Xx 😀

You're going to be fine Tasha! You've identified the problem with lack of recovery time and I'm sure cutting back the mid week run will help you.
I just wanted to add that Strava like any social media can be misleading. I like to think the best of people so I'm going to say it's down to people's different approaches to recording runs but pace stats especially can be very skewed. I ran with someone whose pace on Strava was given as the same as mine - I was about a quarter of a mile ahead at one point, travelled 2km more and was cooling down for a couple of minutes before they reached the finish point. We definitely took different approaches to recording the run 😉

The Strava thing might be wise. It can be really hard not to compare and think "I should do that" when no two people are the same so comparisons are useless. I've had trouble with that in the past.
I'm sorry the socks didn't work for you and might have contributed to a crappy run. See how Friday goes.
Only you know what your body is feeling. It's a huge pressure an event like that.
Running should be fun and stress-busting, not causing added stress 👍🏻😉

Hiya. It's all been said and you are already taking a step back to rest and regroup, I just wanted to offer my support and understanding. I had a run today where I had the realisation just how tough this marathon is going to be.... and I know we shouldn't compare but you have done way more distance than me. A diffrrent day, a different run 🤞 I'm definitely going to slow down and try not to worry about time. Finishing is now my aim! I do think we put a lot on ourselves when training and a marathon is so big! It's what makes it so daunting and appealing. But slowly, one foot in front of the other, we will do it. And we will feel amazing! X
Firstly, you're absolutely amazing! You've already done so well coming this far. You deserve a little hissy fit as that level of training does mean you will hit a low point at some point. Not so long ago I got to 8K and simply couldn't run another step, no good reason and as I was on a planned 16/17K run I was the same distance from home. I had to walk home with my tail between my legs. I'd tried a keto diet in the run up to it so that may have contributed, but like you I think I'd probably overdone things. Now, my training is not on the same par as yours, but it's more about adjustment to training, the old adage too much, too fast rings true.
I'm sure you'll get back on track, and I recall reading that you sometimes have to dial back to go forward, so chin up and celebrate the machine you've built - consider how strong your legs and core are now from where you started!
Breathing is another hurdle for allergy sufferers/asthmatics and it can feel like no oxygen is getting through to your legs, been there too.
It will get better. Be proud of all you've achieved.
Best of luck getting over the slump x
Thank you so much. Just got to get today’s run done and I’ve got 4 days off YAY. 🤞🏽 I’ll get back on track 👍🏽
You absolutely will. It's mind over matter and you didn't get this far from being weak-willed. Again, well done. Hope today's run went well x

Sounds like you made the right choice. The marathon will always be there next time you want to have a crack at it! IMHO the last quarter of a marathon is a head game and not as much to do with fitness as people think (of course you need to have enough fitness to get you to that point etc.). So you have to be in the right place with your motivations and self-belief/bloody-mindedness to push through to the end and any doubts will multiply the difficulty. Come back to it when you feel better and don't beat yourself up with a strict plan. If you give it a go in future then my advice would be to take no notice of marathon plans that specify pace/speed targets etc. The first marathon just needs to be completed, running or walking, it makes no difference. I used a 3 runs per week approach, a 5k, 10k, plus a steadily increasing long run up to 32k (20 miles). At 32k ask yourself "Can I run, walk, crawl the last 9.999km?". If they answer is only just "I think so" then the marathon monster is half slain straight away because you only have to concentrate on the running bit and not the fear of failure bit! Run the 3 runs in any order as long as not consecutive long runs and always, always have a rest day in between each.