TailChaser's HM Training Diary - Week 10 - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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TailChaser's HM Training Diary - Week 10

TailChaser profile image
27 Replies

Hi Runners!

Hope you're all coping ok with Ciara. Katnap has had to go out in it tonight with his C25k group and I suspect it may be poorly attended! I have chosen a fantastic week to have a cutback week, I can't believe my luck.

I managed to avoid the 3 hour bus journey last week by working from home one day, that was a delight as I managed to start a run in the daylight! This was my last week of the long mid-week runs in this plan as I have now jiggled my plan around, so the long runs will now be on a Sunday, in daylight and not after a long day at work.

Run 1: A drop off at the track by Katnap saw my Monday run off to a good start but my legs were tired as this was the 4th day running and I really would have rather stayed at home. There was loads of traffic to wind through in the dark, loads of cars not stopping at red lights then loads of pedestrians on their way to the theatre to wind through, I didn't find it a very chilled run. Still, I did it so that's another one to tick off. 6.4km.

Run 2: My head wasn't in the right place for my Wednesday run: the bus had been a pain again, I was so tired I couldn't get my socks on properly so I gave up and delayed it a day. Thursday I was still tired but that extra day gave me the oomph to get some hills into my run and melt into the music playing into my ears. I've built a stonking playlist over the last 18 months that can get me up the biggest hills in Stratford (ok, they aren't huge but they're all I've got 😂). 10km done and dusted.

Run 3: I took the option on my 20 minute run and didn't bother. I did some yoga instead. Run 3 then was parkrun. A nice little warm up run to do pre-setup and a nice wander round putting the signs and post-cosies up warmed the legs up nicely even if the lungs were in need of a rest. Cut last week's time by 45 seconds to 28:03 but it felt a lot harder. Definitely in need of a rest.

So on Sunday I changed my gym membership so that I can go at peak times for a few months. I have jiggled around my plan so the optional 20 minute recovery runs have moved from Friday to Monday, Monday interval runs are now on Wednesdays, gym Friday. My long runs are now on a leisurely, in the daylight, with company, Sunday with no pressure to rush home, stretch, have a shower and then find time to feed everyone! I'm actually looking forward to them now! And, I have treated myself to these gels...they may be horrible but they could be lovely...I'm intrigued - chocolate Kendal mint cake.

It's now Monday night, I'm listening to the rain hammering against the window, thanking my lucky stars it's a cut back week and hoping Katnap is going to be ok. There's a nice warm dal cooking on the stove for when he gets home though and at last the week is looking brighter even if the weather isn't. 10 more weeks to go and I'm going to do this!! 👍

All the best to you out there this week, keep safe xxx

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TailChaser profile image
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27 Replies
linda9389 profile image

Sounds good TC! Definitely making the plan work for you, and that's crucial for happy running 😍. Do let us know what the gels are like ...

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to linda9389

Yes, it's one of the things I learned the last time I gave this a go, it's got to be flexible. I'll keep you posted on the gels Linda. I can't see them being 'downable' and I think I'll have to bring water with me but I'm a sucker for chocolate mint (literally in this case 😂).

Oldgirlruns profile image
Oldgirlruns10 Miles

Sounds like you’re having a busy time TC!!

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to Oldgirlruns

Always OG, always!! 😊

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrHalf Marathon

Good post from you TailChaser, I read a letter in the Metro Newspaper about a runner who told and showed everyone in her office photos of before and after she ran in any events or races, I am sorry to say that the writer of the letter and her colleagues were not the least bit interested in the runners reports and photos, they all thought that the runner was the most boring person in the office.

I am also very careful not to mention my running to my family or neighbours, but guess what, in my case they ask me first, they want to know how my running is going, they are not bored as they want to know

Last Saturday when I came home from parkrun wearing my new parkrun T Shirt my neighbour noticed, he asked me how I got on and also my time, it's good to know that not everyone finds runners boring, I feel a little sorry for that runner in the Metro report.

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to AlMorr

That's what is so good about this forum Al, we can shout it from the roof tops and everyone can relate to it. Maybe she'll find her way onto here one day. Is it a milestone shirt or an apricot? I've just treated myself to one of those (I've been waiting ages to be able to get one), they're very nice.

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrHalf Marathon in reply to TailChaser

I have ran 15 parkruns, so it's an apricot parkrun T-Shirt, at the front, it has a little bird and says 'Parkrun', (no Vitality) at the back it says 'free forever, thanks for the support from our partners' they keep changing it from time to time, just today I had a offer to buy one of their Vitality T-shirts, for the moment I don't need a second one, anyway, its quite a while before I get a 'milestone' T-shirt, I like parkruns but I don't go there every week.

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to AlMorr

Excellent 👍 I’ve got a Vitality one, it’s got my home parkrun on it for when we go touristing. I’m a bit of an addict I’m afraid! You’ll be surprised how quick a milestone can creep up on you though Al.

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles

Well done for keeping on keeping on, despite the obstacles TailChaser. Long runs on a Sunday sounds a much better idea now that you are working away from home. Even better if Katnap is training up too. I guess the Avon has burst its banks again after the weekend weather.

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to Dexy5

Thanks Dexy 🤗 The long runs are going to be so much easier Dexy, and I think it may have to coincide with Dirty Duck opening times occasionally 😊 The Avon is actually behaving itself at the moment - it's not due to burst either judging by the river level info, but that may change of course. How is it down there, I bet the sea is quite amazing?

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to TailChaser

Ending a run at the Dirty Duck sounds a great idea.

Yes the sea was crashing in right over the promenade and onto the common. I’ve never seen that before. Spring tides and south west gales coincide.

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to Dexy5

Wow! That sounds pretty scary. I think we've missed the worst of it here thankfully.

Katnap profile image

Don't worry runners. C25K had about a dozen hardy folk. At the end they were all beaming (perhaps thinking they're a little bit mad, or just ecstatic to get into the warm and dry for post run stretching).

🐱 Katnap 🐱

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to Katnap

Excellent Katnap. Runners are made of strong stuff 💪🏼

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon

You’re so wonderfully structured TC! I don’t know how you do it. I’m not worthy! 👏👏👏👏👏

I’ve avoided Ciara for the most part as I volunteered at Eastville on Saturday and hunkered down in the house on Sunday. Katnap and his C25Kers are made of strong stuff, so kudos to them. It’s turned cold now, as well as wet and windy. 😩

Where’s spring? 🌸 ☀️

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to cheekychipmunks

There’s lots of daffs cheeky, it’s definitely there somewhere!

I couldn’t do it without the structure, I’d never do it, it’s part of my motivation. Ever since we had the kittens I’ve had to organise our time and it’s the only way. That’s why when something untoward happens I get in a panic cos there’s not much leeway!!

I’m amazed by this c25k group, they are very tough cookies!

It’s a lovely day here today, but as you say, it’s cold 🥶

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon in reply to TailChaser

Fantastic! You’re wonderwoman! 💪

10 miler for me tomorrow. I’m doing a “please wind, give me a break” dance! 😅😅

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to cheekychipmunks

Now you know why I’m ‘TailChaser’ 🤣

Good luck for tomorrow, it’s supposed to be calmer here so maybe it will be the same with you? 🤞

tiggs1 profile image

Please let me know how the gels are, I carry Kendal mint cake on my long runs for a boost when I need it so interested in the gels

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to tiggs1

I will do tiggs. Probably be in a couple of weeks when I do my first 12k+ run. It’ll be much easier to carry around than the traditional ‘cake’.

So dedicated and focused. Brilliant! Btw is that gel vegan? I have a load of SIS and hate them, they make me gag.

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to

Thanks Flick, I don’t know about dedicated just scared I’ll lose all this lovely fitness if I lapse. I’ve always been focused which is very handy for getting anything done in my family!

Yes, the gel is vegan. Katnap gets the SIS and it’s the only one I’ve tried up until now. It is odd stuff but it didn’t affect my tummy so I’ve stuck with it up until now. I thought you were a big Tailwind fan?

in reply to TailChaser

I do use Tailwind for very long runs. the only drawback is that it makes me retain fluid for a couple of days after: I wake up with puffy hands and face and ankles, then pee like mad a couple of days later. So gels are useful for a quick energy lift on a 10-15k run.

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to

Ooh, that doesn’t sound good. I suppose it’s the concentration of everything in them and our body’s ability to deal with it. It’ll be interesting if you try these as isn’t mint supposed to help with that sort of thing?

in reply to TailChaser

Luckily it’s temporary. It has electrolytes which helps you hydrate, and I’ve always maintained I don’t need much fluid, I’m not a thirsty person even in hot weather

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Half Marathon

You really are awesome Tailchaser, so organised. I feel like such an amateur - no real plan apart from keep running and gradually increase the distance. Oh well, it seems to have worked so far! As it’s finally a nice day, and before Storm Dennis arrives I’m going to sneak a run today after my hair appointment (the professional styling won’t last long 🤦🏼‍♀️) and before I go to Curry’s to try to find out why my email system has crashed on my iPhone and iPad!

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to Sandie1961

My training plan is my security blanket in a new world that’s a little bit out of control and chaotic atm!

I’m going to be flinging myself straight into Dennis on Fri/Sat when my rest break comes to an end - I knew I wouldn’t get away with it!!

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