I adopted my usual long run plan. Set the watch for 10k and see how I feel about running any further when I get to that point. It is a guaranteed 'no fail' system since I have no target to fall short of! In the event, I wanted to run a bit quicker than my 7:59/k 10 miles last week, and ended up deciding that enough was enough when I reached 13k at 7:29/k. I could have gone on, but I was definitely beginning to slow, so didn't see the point. Nobody said I have to run 10 miles (or more) every week anyway! This is now designated a consolidation training run and as such it is an total success. Nothing wrong with a bit of rationalisation!😊 Happy running.
Discretion is the better part of valo... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...
Discretion is the better part of valour: or, wimping out is ok!

Well done Beachcomber. Another 13k is great stuff. I set off this morning thinking I’d just do 5k, having had time out, and stopped at 8k. A bit busy on the prom so we headed east to the Hayling Island ferry. It was nice to be out again.
I would have done it in less than an hour if I hadn’t had to do an abrupt stop to avoid running into a toddler on a scooter who appeared from behind the adult I was overtaking. If I hadn’t pointed out to a lady that her dog (doing its business) was not allowed on that part of the beach in summer. If I hadn’t asked a lady to please cycle on the cycle path and not on the prom. Oh dear, maybe I should wear blinkers and just get on with my running.
I glanced at my watch and saw that I was coming up to an hour at almost 8k, so I kicked on a bit and just made it. I think you should be awarded a sub 1 hour 8k on account of time spent on public duty. 😊
Not to be sneezed at! I shan’t be doing anything near another 10 miles before my half in October due to the nature of my training plan, so I applaud anyone who does anything over 10k. Good for you! Xx
Thanks Flick. No point in overdoing things. Hope there is enough in the tank for a 5k Pb attempt on my graduation runniversary this weekend!! 😊
Happy runniversary xxx
Thanks Flick 😊. A year on and still learning with every run!
I don’t think the learning ever stops. That’s what keeps it alive!

Well done Beachcomber. Pressure is off, having got to 10 miles isn’t it? Nice run, just for you, as far and as fast as you want to go. Perfect 😊

Definitely Sandie. I can’t lie; the thought of pushing on a bit further is there, but being happy with what I can achieve on the day is important. It’s the difference between being a happy runner as opposed to ending one run per week as a frustrated aspiring half marathon man. Good to have cheeky and others around to keep me on my toes though 😊😊

Well done! I like that kind of plan. I ran 11 miles today, the furthest I've ever run.
My next plan involves a takeaway and a glass of wine, while I consider whether I can make it down the hall to bed later.
I love days when the plan is "there is no plan" 💕 🏃♀️🏃♀️

Great run Teresa; well done. One day a week in “see how it goes” mode works for me. It is not as though I have a planned half marathon in mind. Last week I had to abandon the long run on 8k with a sore calf. I have since remembered waking up in the night with cramp in that calf the night before; clearly the muscle hadn’t recovered. So 8k was ok 😊😊