It's been a year πŸ˜ƒ I'm treating... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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It's been a year πŸ˜ƒ I'm treating myself to a trip to the physio 😳

Sandyscroll profile image
β€’25 Replies

I'm not sure exactly what date I started C25K, but it was the first week in August. It has sunk in rather slowly that I've kept running, even though it took 5 attempts to finish Wk1, I said I'd not get far, I'd quit when I went back to work in September, or in the winter when it got too cold, and that I'd get bored and would be a flash in the pan. I remember feeling so silly about even attempting to run that I hid among the trees until it was dark enough to amble along real streets. 😳 I'm so much fitter now though, so the benefits outweigh the embarrassment. 😁

The piriformis injury that I picked up in the last week of Feb this year is still a problem. I have done my best to ignore it, but it often hurts and it's chipping away at my confidence to get out there, so I've finally contacted a sports physio who will hopefully sort it out next Tuesday. I'm hoping it will all work out well, and maybe I'll regain some of the confidence I've lost.

Looking back over this last year, I realise I have been inspired by so many people on HU, so many stories of success, challenges overcome, there's always something to be learned, and as for the sports physio least I have some idea of what to expect! I want to thank everyone who posts on here, and particularly the admins who put in so much time, keep us in line, share their experience/wisdom and give us a motivational kick in the right direction. Everyone here makes it a running family, without which I'd surely have given up!

Thank you, all of you!

Sandy x

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Sandyscroll profile image
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25 Replies
roseabi profile image

Oh, thank you Sandy! That's so lovely ❀️

I hope your physio sorts you out - keep us posted!!

Sandyscroll profile image
Sandyscroll in reply to roseabi

I will do...And keep posting those amazing tales of runs I can only dream of! πŸ˜€

Sandraj39 profile image
Sandraj39Half Marathon

Really good luck with your physio - I hope it helps. I have been to see a physio for two injuries over the last few years and it was money well spent in my opinion. Not just for the immediate treatment but also at helping me understand a little bit more about my body and what exercises I needed to do to get and keep myself well. πŸ™‚

Sandyscroll profile image
Sandyscroll in reply to Sandraj39

Thanks for the encouragement Sandraj39 . I've left it a while in the hope it would just go away, but maybe there will be more long term benefits from it, as you say. I think, due to the way I run, I may be prone to this injury. Maybe I can learn to improve my posture.

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon

Sounds like you have done the right thing. Others may have given up but you want to overcome. Well done!

Sandyscroll profile image
Sandyscroll in reply to Whatsapp

You're absolutely right, I want to get past this! I'd love to increase my mileage again, just a bit. I love ambling in autumn. 😊

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Good luck with your physio appointment are a runner who inspires me and I admire your acheivements...

I hope you get some help with your nagging piriformis injury.😊xxx

Sandyscroll profile image
Sandyscroll in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Thank you Jan. I feel like I have run most of my journey with you alongside me. 😊

Bluebirdrunner profile image
Bluebirdrunner in reply to Sandyscroll

Ha, I wish...I'm trailing in your wake, and enjoy seeing all your interval, hill and club running! 😊x

Oldfloss profile image

Gosh.. that pain in the b** really is, isn't it!

You have and continue to do, amazing things..yet another of the folk who inspire me on a daily basis... :)

I really hope the physio helps... I know I have blessed the day since I found mine! Hope all goes well and enjoy ????


Sandyscroll profile image
Sandyscroll in reply to Oldfloss

Floss, I think, like many others, I've run most of my journey with you reminding me to go slow and steady. It's been the very best advice I've had.

I'm almost looking forward to this physio appointment, and I never thought I'd say that! Thank you for all your encouragement. ☺️

Richard7 profile image
Richard7Half Marathon

A year goes by so slowly sometimes and quickly at others - I think it's down to what we do with it. You have done a lot with your running in the year that has passed. Well done and I hope the physio helps to alleviate the problem.

Sandyscroll profile image
Sandyscroll in reply to Richard7

It's been a pleasure to run with you this last year. You have been a very positive influence. Watching your steady progress and determination has often helped keep me on track, and I really do thank you for that. πŸ™‚

Richard7 profile image
Richard7Half Marathon in reply to Sandyscroll

That's very kind of you to say that. You too have inspired me. Seeing you run up and down your hills convinced me to conquer my own little (tiny) Mount Everest back in January. I still don't know how you manage them πŸ˜† .. but you do.

misswobble profile image

I hope you can get it sorted. Do you do other exercise? Strengthening and such like? Stretching and strengthening to toughen everything up πŸ’ͺ

Have you had a definitive diagnosis ?

Good luck with the physio πŸ™‚πŸ‘

Sandyscroll profile image
Sandyscroll in reply to misswobble

No, I've not had a diagnosis, so if I'm wrong I'll find out on Tuesday. I have foam rollered, touched my nose with my left knee on a regular basis, I use the gym... Not as much as I should... but the leg and core strengthening machines are where it's at for me... I'm not keen on doing much cardio in the gym... and while all these things have helped to get me back running, I'm aware of the deep aching most of the time, or sharp pain if I try to step over something (and working with small children I do that a lot!). So I'm going to try and get it sorted, and hopefully get some good advice too. It's a physio recommended by someone at my running club, so I'm hoping at best it will be money well spent, and at the very least a step in the right direction.

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to Sandyscroll

Own body weight stuff is good. I am doing all sorts at the gym to strengthen everything Lots of the stretches can be done at home, which is handy

Lordi profile image

Good luck with the physio Sandy! Hopefully they will be able to pin the exact problem down and you can work on it.

You just made me go check my own runnversary too! Must have been early Sept last year (got to W4 on c25k then broke my rib (4 weeks off) then was redoing W4 when I joined the NHS forum 10 Dec 17).

We've come a long way since last summer!

Sandyscroll profile image

Thank you Lordi . You've done particularly well in your first year! What with a broken rib near the start, incredible winter weather to to deal with and training in the bat cave. Just amazing! I'd be dizzy doing your figure of 8 down there...but you just keep going.

How do you plan to mark your runniversary?

Lordi profile image

Cheers Sandy! You're a trooper yourself with all of those hills where you live (I know the area well from my youth). Looks like the Tallin marathon Estonia on 9th Sept is pretty much my runnversary!

Sandyscroll profile image
Sandyscroll in reply to Lordi

What a way to celebrate!! πŸ˜€

Fishypieface profile image

Hey Sandy, good luck at the physio, let us know how it goes, I'd be really interested to hear. I am still the same too, unable to run really, so I will be off to see a sports physio as soon as they can fit me in (now I have a new job I can afford it - at last!!). Fingers crossed we can both get sorted and back out there ASAP :) x

Sandyscroll profile image
Sandyscroll in reply to Fishypieface

Oh I really hope it works for you! That's such good news to hear. πŸ˜€ I'll let you know how my visit goes. πŸ™‚

Lordi profile image

How did the physio go Sandy?

Sandyscroll profile image
Sandyscroll in reply to Lordi

After a lot of prodding and manipulating the physio decided my left side is tighter than my right and not as strong. My left knee and foot turns in slightly too when I stand up...when I run I often try to point my left foot forwards thinking it's my technique that needs correcting. So...I've been doing left leg exercises including 90 squats (only little ones), front lifts, side lifts, tightening my core and using a yellow band wrapped around my knees. I've mostly kept to it and will go again this Friday to see if anything has improved. I have to say, I did 8 miles on Saturday with no issues so that is positive. Thanks for asking. πŸ‘β˜Ί

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