Weekly chat 5th to the 11th of March ... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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Weekly chat 5th to the 11th of March πŸƒπŸΎ

roseabi profile image
β€’39 Replies

Hello, superheroes, and welcome to a new week!

Sometimes we don't feel like putting a whole post up but just want to share something small, so this is a great place for doing that during the week. It's fabulous to see everyone's training updates each week!

If you're new or a lurker this is a great place to say a little hi without the pressure of a full post.

Let us know how your training, running, racing is going - did you survive the snow? Did you try something new this past week? I did: I RAN ON A TREADMILL!! :D

Have a lovely fun week!

Ju-Ju, Rignold, and roseabi


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roseabi profile image
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39 Replies
ju-ju- profile image

ooo get you.... did you fall off hence your Wonderwoman crutch?

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Marathon in reply to ju-ju-

Just realised its her Wondersword.... Wonderwoman would never have crutches... shes infallible!

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to ju-ju-

:) Although actually I did get a bit of a sore calf!

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to roseabi

A sore calf! Ha! I rest my case 😌

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to misswobble

Ha :D In the treadmill's defence (poor little machine :) ) the sore calf was already waiting in the wings :( Actually, it wasn't bad at all, quite fun even - although I dunno about running a whole 18k on one...

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to ju-ju-

lol, it does look like a crutch!

ju-ju- profile image
ju-ju-Marathon in reply to roseabi

I think its because her Wondersword is strapped to her leg!!!!!

misswobble profile image

You ran on a What? 😁

My husband recommended to me this week that I should run my 18k on a dreadmill 😱. I scoffed at the idea, saying it would probably take me two years to run that far. So, he asked me why would it take any longer on the treadmill. Erm, Cos errrrr. No idea 😊☺️ I just ain’t going there!

Training going well despite the snow delay. Still a short run today to catch up,but it means running again tomorrow. I did some yoga at home yesterday but was as stiff as a board due to running in/on snow on .Saturday i think I was so cautious that I ran stiffly You can’t get going properly, and in deeper snow it’s rubbish All the effort was in my lower legs I thought, but it transferred to my hips and thighs, and I felt it doing my yoga Ouch

Started a gym for the first time in my life! 😬 Got my second session tomorrow πŸ’ͺπŸ™‚

My ten mile race was cancelled! Boo ☹️ Still training for this month’s half marathon Though, so plenty to do

Wonder Woman! 😁. Me Blunder Woman! πŸ˜ƒ

HeleneCorsa profile image
HeleneCorsa in reply to misswobble

Well it would certainly FEEL like two years on the dreadmill!

C3PO profile image
C3POMarathon in reply to HeleneCorsa

I heartily agree!

I had a rubbish week last week with just a 4.4 mile run on Monday as I worked Monday through Wednesday. Then the snow arrived for Thursday morning with worst to come on Friday. Thursdays longer run was off and replaced with hasty packing for Australia. We took the decision to stay Thursday night at a hotel near Heathrow to ensure we would make the airport on Friday. We took off late after extensive wing defrosting. So 24hrs was lost to flying, arriving on Sunday morning. I have lost a week of training. Today is Monday and I did get out for a run of only 3.6 miles in 45 minutes due to daughter having tired legs post flight and the route I planned had several stints of upward steps, not a great route really. So back to the route planner for a longer but nicer route. Feeling a bit down after many weeks of good and progressive training.

Decker profile image
DeckerUltramarathon in reply to

no worries RFD at least you got a couple of runs in - there must be some beautiful places to run there - if you can manage a time when it is not scorching hot. One long, relaxed run along a nice course and you'll be back in business.

in reply to Decker

Thanks Decker. Where we are staying is rather hilly and a small outward jut of the coastline. It is not that easy to plan a long run unless I do laps....not sure yet if that will work. I have another 5km planned which shouldn't involve steps! I guess it will be two weeks of short runs 😣

Decker profile image
DeckerUltramarathon in reply to

Thats ok. Just be sure to get some rest and have some fun too. Like roseabi says, you’ll be ok.

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to

Well done for getting some running in, it's hard when you're on holiday! But, wow! You're in Australia!! Have a fabulous time!!! As for the training, do what you can but don't worry, you can pick it up when you get back - she'll be right :D

in reply to roseabi

Thanks Roseabi. It is a compromise between keeping up the training/miles and getting out sightseeing. I have hit the wall today with jetlag so will maybe get out tomorrow after visiting sydney.

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to

I do understand, I had two weeks in the USA a couple of years ago whilst in training for a half. Just don't do what I did and fall over while out on a run out there! I ended up having to have an extra two weeks off running to rest my bashed knee - but I still made it round my half marathon! Got a pb too :D

Lordi profile image

Missed a couple runs last week with a touch of the lurgy but managed a gentle 5k today - although felt a weak as a kitten. My Asics plan is ramping up now so need to get back into the swing of things this week! 5 jog, 8 fast, 5 jog, 8 fast then a gentle 16k on Sunday. The good news is spring is just around the corner and so temps are rising this week to a balmy minus 8 and might be a tropical zero at the weekend, so I'm going to be out of my batcave and running outdoors again! Our snow will still be hanging around for a month or so yet though.

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to Lordi

Holy Liftoff! Hurrah for spring :)

HeleneCorsa profile image
HeleneCorsa in reply to Lordi

Crikey, is that the intermediate (or indeed the badass) Asics plan? Because it certainly doesn't sound like an easy one!

Hope you feel better soon.

Hillrunner2201 profile image

I managed to get a run in everyday with some yaxtrax for running on my trainers. After barely using them last winter I've certainly got my money's worth this year πŸ˜‚ I'm really hoping that this morning's run in them is the last until next winter though. The longest run last week was 8 miles so could do with getting in a longer run at the weekend in preparation for a hm in early April.

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to Hillrunner2201

Sponsored by Yaxtrax :) Well done! What hm are you running - would you like me to put it in the events calendar? Sorry if I've asked you that already...

Decker profile image

Been doing two short 7k runs on the weekdays and a longer run with the new running group on the weekends. Not sure if its the lack of snow or joining the new group, but my pace has finally picked up again. Have not had to test it on anything over 13km just yet though. :) Saturday was a real slog with plenty of hills. I think next week's run is supposed to be a little longer, around 15 or so.

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to Decker

Sounds like you're having a great time! I like the new profile pic :)

Decker profile image
DeckerUltramarathon in reply to roseabi

So far so good 😊. Yeah, since our snow seems to be gone, I thought I should switch out the snowy balaclava ninja pic.

misswobble profile image

I did a short backpack run yesterday in the melting snow. Dicey with patches of snow on pavements

Doing a longer run today and then off to the gym. I know I shouldn’t do both but can’t be helped πŸ’ͺπŸ‘πŸ™‚

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to misswobble

I don't know so much that you shouldn't... I suppose you'll have to wait and see how you feel afterwards :)

Mike1942 profile image
Mike1942 in reply to misswobble

Thanks for your advice on backpack s and things. Ran 18k yesterday with Rita with a small standard Rucsac. Bloody uncomfortable but did have 6 LTRs of water in as ballast. No not taking a big one yompin.

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to Mike1942

That must have weighed you down, phew!

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to Mike1942

I got a cycling backpack from Lidl and I prefer it to the running backpack I also got from Lidl. It was Β£6.99 and it is brill

I will run 18 k with no water at the moment, just a few Haribo to moisten my mouth if it feels dry Perhaps not the best thing to do but cartin water does my head in I have an 18k today and no water will be involved It’s raining at the mo so that’s good Obviously if it was warm I would be toting water

misswobble profile image

Run done! 12k. Watch conked 😟

Home now to a bacon mushroom toastie, bath, then walking to the gym πŸ‘πŸ’ͺπŸ˜ƒ

C3PO profile image

I managed to fit in my 4 runs last week, but the reduced mileage the week before took its toll, so all of my runs were pretty slow going. Of course the chilly temperatures might have been a factor. :-)

I forced myself to run 22K yesterday. I was pushed for time, so I ran to town and home again, up the big long hill. Coming after 16K, it was a bit too much, so I walked up quite a lot of it. The rest of my March long runs will definitely need to be on the flat, so that I can take the tram up the hill.

I'm in the UK right now, so I'm hoping the two runs I have planned here aren't problematic, as I've brought my regular shoes.

Decker profile image
DeckerUltramarathon in reply to C3PO

Wow, that is a lot of kms!

Mike1942 profile image

I have deceided to chase my wonder woman around the Lakes this afternoon. You know my description of my PT "K" .... it definitely spurs me on to. "greater things". M C P that I am!!! . Looking for sub 33 for 5,,k. Yes Misswobble the sub 30 is still my goal Who knows ,Rother Valley on Sat 0900 may be the day.

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to Mike1942

Motivation :)

Mike1942 profile image
Mike1942 in reply to roseabi

The motivation worked. 5k in 30.15 mins. But can I sustain it on my own on Saturday morning.????

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to Mike1942

Well done! Try mental visualisation maybe? :D

misswobble profile image

I was talking about RV yesters. Promised myself I’ll get there soon

Have fun πŸ˜ƒπŸ‘πŸ’ͺπŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ

Mike1942 profile image

RV is a 1lap round the Lake. The highest ,( the uphill bit,) is described as "running over a sleeping policeman". It's nearly as flat as Rutland water.

Not what you're looking for?

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