I'm sort of in limbo at the moment, caught between trying to follow JuJu's b210k 6 week prog and following my Asics HM plan (Helsinki HM 19 May 2018). I oddly did 10k before c25k graduation due to over exuberance which shows you the oddball I am!
My Asics plan has me doing 5,8,8,8km early stages this week but I was trying for JuJu's week 5 long run 9km today and felt so good I just carried on, and on, and on ...to 12km. I knew I was exceeding the 10% rule but it just felt the right thing to do! I sort of went for 12km because I spied a 12km coming up in my Asics palan in a few weeks.
So my question is, although I fully accept I am a total greenhorn/newbie/knownothing is it ok to just go with the flow when it feels right? I mean, if I'd have been checking the watch every 200m since 7km then I'd have clocked 9km and called it a day.
Have not have any twinges or issues so far...Maybe I am due for a wake-up injury? Or when it feels right should I just do what feels right?