Hey everyone I ran my second half marathon this year in about 2h15m. Looking to run my first full marathon in January any advice for a first time runner?
Bahamas runner..: Hey everyone I ran my... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...
Bahamas runner..

Train, train and train!
Work out a training plan and try to stick to it. If you can, find someone to train with (who will keep you honest about skipping runs).
There is a set of podcasts from Guardian Running (Guardian Running Marathon podcasts) - there are only 6 of them, but they are really useful in putting you through the emotions you are likely to experience on the day.
You have plenty of time to get prepared, so work on some strength training over the summer so you are ready for your running plan come autumn.
Be prepared to loose large chunks of your weekends training, particularly in the month or two ahead of the event.
Make the training fun - you are going to spend a lot of hours doing it!
Good luck (what a great place to do a marathon!)

Not sure I can add much to what agedsnailspace already said: Put a lot of time aside to run a lot of miles. Get your family on board early, for a marathon is going to be more disruptive to your family life than a half.
When it comes to the training plan, do "shop around" and compare many different ones, and maybe pick bits and pieces from different ones to make up a plan that suits you. Don't be afraid to change the plan as you go along if need be.
Have a great time, and I hope you'll post regular updates. Would love to follow you on your journey.

great time for a half.... I didnt follow a specific plan for my first marathon. What I did do was increase my long run each week, add in a spinning class and core exercises too which all made a big difference.....
Awesome thank you. I want to drop about 15 mins from that time before. The full I want to attempt in January

Strides are brilliant. I like doing them at the end of a longer run to help train for a strong finish, but also to learn how to pick up the pace periodically during the marathon without getting tired out.
Strides are great! We (the ladies I ran the marathon with) included them in our long run training - any time we stopped (normally for refuelling or loo breaks!) we started up with again with a set of strides. It made getting back to the right pace much easier than just starting from standing. We also include them as the last part of our starting warm-up.