Hi everybody!
I am joining to get inspired, keep motivated and if possibly pay back
I am on a long journey to get back in shape. I used to run everyday and be pretty lean when I was in my twenties, than I stopped running and started putting on weight. 10 years after I was around the 90 kilos and could not run 10 meters to get a bus and had a blood pressure over 200... This was 2013. I met an old friend and we went for a run (2 minutes then I was KO...).
By April that year I realized I had to do something to (quite literally) save my life and I got back into running. In September I ran my first half marathon in 1h 50'. Unfortunately instead of keep going I stopped again only to restart in May 2014... same story happened in September (half marathon in 1h 45' but the another stop). Last year went a bit better, I started in January and did the belfast marathon in May (4h 15) and then the half marathon in September in 1'39! I haven't completely stopped that autumn and this year I am trying to improve my shape.
I have ran a couple of marathons in Belfast (NI), a fairly tough one but didn't do very well...
I want to increase the miles I run per week and get a bit faster, but a couple of weeks ago I realized how bad my body was! 96 kilos 107 cm. BMI over 30!!! and in this condition I managed to run two marathons and a half marathon in 1'40.
This got me thinking: I should lose some (more than 16 kilos) weight and get my BMI to normal. I might also avoid blue lips at the end of strong long runs and to reduce the chances of breaking my joints...
so I joined the nhs program to drop weight and here I am, on a journey to get leaner and increase my mileage per week. 2 weeks ago I was at 35 miles fast training, I am currently at 50 (last two weeks) and I aim for the 70. My dream would be to run a marathon in 3h30 or less, but I am still very far away from that!!!
if you want to know more about my running you can ask of find my log here:
happy running