Hello, I have had wet AMD in both eyes. Left eye first for about 2 yrs injected age 60 with lucentis and then eyelea. It has remain dry after treatment @ 9yrs. Then my Right eye became wet and I could see the bleeding shadow on the amsler grid. This eye has had more injections and has had cataract surgery when it was dry during pandemic. It was treated with eyelea. Then became wet again for over a year. Its been dry now for about 10 months and a new optometrist is itching to discharge me. I am a retired nurse now aged 72 and have been sent to stable clinic before and had to go back for injections but the wait was so worrying. So for now she has kept me at the wet clinic. As I m very lucky to be still driving I know.
I take macushield and jointace, blueberries, kale etc.
I told her how worried I was about becoming blind as both my parents did become blind. My mum had Charles
Bonnet syndrome and this was worrying to watch.
Has anyone else been discharged after treatment and kept their eye sight intact? Is there any Private Care in the UK?