3-4 weeks ago i was moaning about the new Eyelea injections after having 7 successful Lucentis injections 2 years ago in my right eye.
Think i may stop the moaning if the rest of the injections carry on as this last one yesterday.
I was very wary, totally shaking when i went in but whether it was the speed at which the doctor carried it out or just that my eye is getting used to Eyelea now i had a pretty good result.
The grey cloud that i could not see through before did not happen. Just the usual cloud for a while & the stinging of course. Today my eye aches a bit but seems to be better than before. So maybe this is the way Eyelea works. It seems to have halted the bleed too for which i am very grateful as i have a fair bit of disturbed vision in this eye but maybe it will get a bit better as my right did with Lucentis.
So happier today than for a while & still really appreciate my Consultant & all his team, they are great!