Hi. I'm looking for reassurance. I was diagnosed with myopic cnv in 2020. 3 injections then stable. Reoccurrence in 2023 and 3 more injections, 4th this coming Monday.This evening, I'm experiencing insect-like floaters, and intermittent orange flashes in corner of eye. Do I relax and wait till my appointment on Monday, or phone eye clinic first thing tomorrow? My main concern is that it is retinal detachment. I'm fairly new to this game and don't know how to play it. Thoughts appreciated. Thanks. Xx
Myopic CNV, floaters and flashes. - Macular Society
Myopic CNV, floaters and flashes.

I think it might be an idea to ring 111 tonight
Hi Bluegreensea. I agree with Koalajane but if you didn't ring 111, ring your clinic this morning and ask for advice. Good luck and let us know how you get on.
Good Morning Bluegreensea. I agree with the other two replies. Ring the clinic this morning - they will be happy to advise - you do not want a weekend of worry and anxiety x
Thanks all. It's so nice to know people are reading my question. It makes me calmer. Currently waiting for a scan in Opthalmic Imaging dept.
good advice given already. My eye dept has an emergency doc on call. Maybe have the number around for future needs. Let us know how you get on. Hopefully all goes well.
Hi Bluegreensea,
I have MyopicCNV diagnosed in 2017, left eye , then right eye in 2020. I also have Posterior Vitreous detachment PVD left eye it’s like constant flashing light and also floaters like you describe both eyes.
When I first had the PVD occur I was terrified of a retinal detachment and went to the hospital for emergency check only to find everything was ok , same thing happened again and was told the same thing. Three years on and it’s really settled down, although still have the floaters more annoying than anything else.
I have had around 43 injections in my left eye, started with Lucentis , then moved to Eylea which has made a dramatic difference , this is the longest I’ve went (last injection left eye August 23) and everything stable, right eye only required 6 injections of Lucentis in 2020/21 and has remained stable.
I know there is no cure but remain optimistic that we have these drugs that help . The hospital I attend are fantastic, I’ve never had a bad injection yet, I read some terrible stuff about waiting times and experiences on here and feel rather fortunate to have had a positive experience overall.
I am still working full time overall have a very busy lifestyle and drive this condition hasn’t stopped me , although I do have my wobbles. This forum and the macular society have been great support when you need that reassurance and everyone understands what you’re going through.
I hope everything goes well at the hospital.
Hello CorriesboyThank you for sharing your experience and positive outlook. It was PVD! My first time, so I was spooked by the symptoms.
No tears or damage so I'm feeling really lucky and reassured. My eye doctor explained everything he was doing to check my eye and why. He also told me what Posterior Vitreous Detachment is and when to be concerned - quite unlike my consultant who ushers me in and out so quickly with no meaningful conversation.
I'm very appreciative of the advice and support from everyone here. Thank you guys.
So nice to have an eye doctor who explained everything. Pity about the consultant. I suppose it's because he's desperately busy. I am glad you have had so much help from the forum people here!
I'm so sorry Bluegreensea. I think most good eyes show some signs of deterioration. I hope your good eye hangs on in there xx
Aw, thanks fed13. 🥰

Dear Bluegreensea,
Just to make you aware, we do have peer support groups, including one specifically for myopic macular degeneration. This can be a useful source of information and support;
I have also copied a link to one of our related webinars:
Kind regards,
Macular Society Helpline
0300 3030 111