Hey, I am 31 years old, freshly diagnosed with my second eye having CNV, and my first eye diagnosed 3 years ago... I am pretty anxious, but I guess that's part of the game... living with ambivalence of this prognosis. I have some questions on how you, fellow patients out there, regulate your diet, workout, and travel habits.
On diet:
Do you take AREDS (normally, it's only proven to work in AMD cases)? Do you drink coffee (I just realized my bleeding gets worse after drinking coffee and found this study on temporary choroid thinning through caffein: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articl...? Do you drink alcohol? How do you handle these dietary questions?
On workout:
I love weightlifting, but I am being told I shouldn't do this anymore because of hemorrhage risk. Also, no heavy shocks (jumping etc., some even say no running) because of detachment risk. Now I wonder, because I feel any pulse-heightening activity in my currently bleeding eye, should I at all work out during active stage MCNV. And how should I work out once the bleeding stops? How do you handle this?
On travel habits:
Do you travel to other countries with treated active bleeding? So, for example, a week after an injection? Is flying potentially worsening the bleeding?
Thanks a lot for your help in advance!
Best regards,