Morning, just to update people who might be less far along than I am incase you are interested. Also just to be clear my experiences are limited and based on myopic CNV not wet AMD or dry AMD. So back in April I had a CNV in my left eye, treated 3 weeks later by Eylea x 2- one in May, one in June. It’s been 12 weeks since the last injection and I saw my consultant again this week.
I ve been on a long haul holiday for 2.5 weeks so hoped I wouldn’t have needed anything whilst out there as I wouldn’t know where to turn! Fortunately all was fine and I don’t need any more injections currently.
I’m trained in reading research papers so I know the recent research suggests that the median number of injections needed is 2 for our condition and it holds it in long term studies for 10 years- I don’t think studies have gone beyond this as it’s still relatively new. It’s the newer studies I look at which incorporate the more recent anti vegf injections into them.
Luckily my vision seems ok-20/20 in my bad eye (bit of distortion in the centre remains) but I can’t just about make out the smaller letters and 6/4 in my good eye (corrected with contacts).
However I m aware of some difficulty reading in poorer light conditions and asked my doctor about my good eye. He said there was some lattice degeneration in there but I didn’t think to ask what this means or if this means it ll deteriorate or prompt a CNV in the good eye. Does anyone know more about it? I have searched the internet and it seems a relatively common and slowly progressing condition- hopefully! Any info on this would be gratefully received. I have also asked my doctor for more info…
Many thanks for the supportive group.