Hello Everyone,
I found this group because I was recently( a little over a month ago) diagnosed with Myopic CNV. I'm sharing my story here as a datapoint for this group. I'm also using this post as a way for me to keep track of my progress. When I get impatient and feel that I'm going nowhere with this I refer back to this page and see how far I have gone.
I went to a Retinal Specialist within 3 days after my left eye had a episode (Dec 2022). -9.0 on my right and -10. on my left.
First visit - I had two injections in both eyes. According to the Dr. there was small bleeding in my right eye but I can see fine. I was experiencing distortion and blurriness on my left eye.
Second visit - I had two injections in both eyes. According to the Dr. the swelling and bleeding drastically reduced. It was visible in the scan, even I could tell as a non medical person.
Distortion remains on my left eye. I didn't have any benchmark to compare and see if I had any visual improvement, because on my first visit I wore a out-of-date prescription glasses. Also in my mind, distortion is a distortion, I can't really measure it can I?
I understand that the injection is to reduce the swelling and bleeding, but what about distortion? My assumption is that if the swelling and bleeding stops, vision returns back to normal. Right?
I'm also looking into Chinese acupuncture as an supplement to the injection treatment. Anyone has insights into this domain?
Sending positive vibes and hugs!