Hi all,
I have been having Lucentis injection for myopic CNV that I developed in May, I got 3 so far, at check in this week FA showed that my retina has dried up and there is no leakage/bleeding, however, my doctor suggested I do a maintenance series of injections with Eylea every two months. He wants to start with 3 and then recheck my eyes.
Has anyone had a similar experience? I read about a lot of people mentioning they did not need injections if the bleeding had gone, and also it seems the mainstream approach is to only inject the eyes if there is an active bleed. Would love to hear similar stories, I am happy to do a maintenance treatment as this is meant to reinforce the work Lucentis injections did and prevent my eyes from producing the vegf protein that causes the growth of new blood vessels under the retina, but obviously I am not looking forward to having them.
Oh, the joy of having great news and not so great news at the same time!
Thank you to anyone who will share their experience with me!