Hi, can anyone tell me what this is? I have been having eyelea injections for approximately five years. I have wet macular degeneration in one eye and seems fairly stable. Quite recently I experienced a what I can only call a fast small light flashing after moving from different light conditions. It goes away after a short time but it's a bit like a camera shutter going fast in my central vision. Has anyone else experienced this?
Flicker on sight?: Hi, can anyone tell me... - Macular Society
Flicker on sight?

Dear Rachmaninoff,
Flashes of light can occur for a variety of reasons, so it is important that you get your eyes checked in case there are any physiological causes.
If not, other possible causes are for instance, Charles Bonnet Syndrome:
Please contact us if you would like to discuss this further.
The Macular Society Advice and Information Service is open 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday on 0300 3030 111.
Alternately, you can contact us via:
Kind regards,
Hi Rachmaninoff,I suffer the same effect and have done since diagnosed 6 years ago. As you say its when you look at a bright light then look at a dimmer or no light. as you also say it is fleeting in duration. I have never payed any heed to it as it is obviously, as it seems to me, a result of the AMD. Interestingly however, It happened more often when I had wet AMD in one eye. When my other eye went wet it became very infrequent and seemed to disappear altogether. Unfortunately during the last 6 months it has reappeared but very infrequent so am not too bothered about it. Perhaps I should be bothered about so out of interest I will question my consultant at my next review. In conclusion I'm sure other sufferers will post on this subject as I am sure we are not the only ones!
Good luck and take care
Hi Rachmaninoff. It could be one of a few things causing it such as posterior vitreous detachment or retina problems but whatever the cause is, it needs to be looked at soon by an ophthalmologst or maybe an optometrist. Don't leave it too long, get it checked, just to be on the safe side. Good luck. x
Anything that occurs different should be checked, worth ringing opthamologist now not wait until August ....x
I was reminded I have had similar experiences to you and to Raemar but I guess it was so intermittent I forgot about it and didn’t mention it to anyone. I also haven’t had it that I remember since both eyes have been treated so maybe in my case it was a precursor to wet Macular in other eye? Unlike yours though my flashing lights were peripheral! Mention it when you next have your eyes tested. The older I get the more I realise the human body is prone to all sorts of weirdnesses!
Thank you Catseyes235. Yes definitely weird what goes on in our bodies. One minute we feel we are on the right track, the next there is something else for us to worry about. I had cancer last year and after great results I feel on top of the world but my sight is very very important. It's good to chat sometimes x
Absolutely. A good friend had what she calls her ‘dose of cancer’ with lumpectomy two years ago and thankfully all clear and now I have to have a precautionary mouth biopsy .. always something!! Mini stroke last year which set back Eyelea treatment so one eye is ‘catching up’ now..... Onwards and upwards!!
Hi,I've had macular oedeama for 6 years and every morning, when getting out of bed and seeing daylight, I experienced flickering for about fiftenn minutes and then settled down the rest of the day. I decided it was the fluid moving around and settling after lying down at night. They didn't seem concerned at my eye appointments. However, after years of injections, I was finally given an Ozurdex implant 18 months ago. This has worked wonders as I have minimal fluid now and at my last check up, was told no need to be seen for 6 months. Usually its every 6 weeks. The flickering now lasts only a few seconds and not even every morning. I think my theory is correct in that it is just fluid settling down and nothing to worry about, especially as no concern was shown at the eye clinic.
This is just my experience and as everyone is different, always enquire at eye clinic. Hope by now you have it sorted.
Best wishes
Hi , I suffer from myopic CNV and was also diagnosed with posterior vitreous Detachment PVD in left eye about 2 years ago thankfully it’s settled down - like you say it’s when you move from different light conditions also I found bending really bad and the flashing was awful came in bursts then disappeared then would happen again. I attended our local AE on a few occasions as was so worried, they have great eye care and they reassured me, they also are the hospital who treat my condition so have my records.
Hope it all settles down for you.