I have AMD 4 years and regular Eyelea injections .. anyway I was out on a bat walk (highly recommended) and at the end when almost dark I thought it was beginning to rain. Little white flashes of light in my peripheral vision seemed to be falling occasionally from the clear sky! Luckily I didn’t announce this and realised it was an optical effect mainly when I looked up. It did pass but just wondered if anyone else has experienced similar ?
Thought it was rain, but it was flashing l... - Macular Society
Thought it was rain, but it was flashing light in my eye!

Cats eye,Yes, I’ve had the same experience. I got my eye checked and nothing definitive was found. It’s unnerving when it happens and I always think there’s a tear in my eye. However no evidence to support my imagination. I hope you find an answer and share it with us.
Yes! I had exactly the same experience. I was convinced it was snow falling off my hat. When I had it checked out I was told it was floaters. About a decade later I developed AMD, but have no idea if the 2 were related.

Dear Catseyes235,
It is best to get an optician to take a look, just in case there is anything that needs addressing.
Kind regards,
Macular Society Advice and Information Service
0300 3030 111
Thanks Rosalyn I’ve got an injection coming up on the 13th so will mention it if I see the doctor.

Dear Catseyes 235,
It could possibly be Charles Bonnet Syndrome. Please refer to p. 3:
Alternately, it could be a physical cause, for instance:
Kind regards,
Unlikely Charles Bonnet ...my brother had that at times. He was registered blind the through AMD but unfortunately in the 2000s before the injections became mainstream. My eyesight is pretty near perfect right eye (got to 2nd line from bottom) and getting there in left. As for floaters I went to Moorfields, (My home from home when I had strabismus and TED!) a few years ago before AMD about them and nothing was found. I was told that the only thing to really worry about and report straight away was if there was something like a swarm of bees!
I do sometimes wonder if there are any studies into genetics as myself and both brothers have (had as one died). macular degeneration? My two sister don’t though.
I have had a shimmering triangle shape in one eye at a time, sometimes both. Lasts for about 20 minutes. My retina specialist said they were ocular migraines . Colorful and sparkling.
I’ve had that. Started when I worked at a screen all day. Since retired it’s been rare. Very pretty but always take a couple of paracetamol in case it develops into something painful. Usually used to feel tired after and stay in a darkened room until over . Yes was migraine related I was told. Very different from the ‘descending raindrops’ !