I have been having eye Injection since 2018.
I had many experiences with floating images, black circle and the pains during the procedure and after. I have had some painless injections due to the experience of the personnel involved. I have also have it rough with others but have not seen anything or experienced any like my last injection that was administered 23 April, 2021.
The person that administered the injection covered my face with the sticky sterilised cover and was asking me how many fingers that I can see. I have to tell him that I can see through the cover. He then opened it up something he ought to do first. He then started poking my eyes with cotton bud after the clamp was in place. I only knew he was using cotton bud for the probing because he kept on telling me it is a cotton bud that he is using and that I should only felt the pressure. This is very strange thing that I never witnessed. Though after aesthetic, they normally press against the eyes to make sure I did not feel pains but pressure of that touch. I never knew it is a cotton bud they used to put the pressure on. On this occasion, the guy kept on poking my eyes that I started counting and praying silently that it will stop.
I experienced massive pains after the injection and more pains later after the anaesthetics wear off. I couldn’t write this yesterday 24 hours after the injection as I can’t open my eyes to light. I am okay today as the pains almost gone and I can also opened up my eyes to watch TV and also use the Dictanote on my screen to write this up.
Can anyone in the house check out my experience and advice if this normal?
I have had over 25 injection since 2018 but have not witnessed this.
Did anyone knows if I can request for a specific doctor to administer my injection?
Please advice
Thank you all