what would happen if I increased my dosage from 1 a day to 1 with every meal. would the ingredients give me over dose or side effects. im thinking tank myself up on the lutin etc to give myself a better chance of slowing down my dry macular degeneration. ive just started to see deterioration after 12 years..how quick am I now going to lose my central vision and how strong can I go with my prescription glasses before they fail to help.
AREDS2: what would happen if I increased my... - Macular Society

Instead of a third AREDS2 pill, why not have the lutein vegetables instead?Make a big daily salad or smoothie with baby kale, red bell pepper, baby spinach, etc.
Also download an Amsler grid and print it out or view it on your computer.
Hello horseaddict - this is the sort of question that needs an informed reply from a professional - but you never get one on here ... however, as I understand it, the AREDS2 contains as much as the eye can handle. More is wasted. You get more anyway, in the foods you eat, I might not need AREDS2 at all so far as intake is concerned. I only take it in case I'm not getting something from something else ... there is another ingredient that can help, and that is saffron. Saffron contains an element that replaces pigment, which AREDS2 does not do. There is also a specialist supplier, named Persevita, who have a small range of saffron products that either go with the AREDS2, or replaces it altogether. I've just found out about this, and am starting with the supplement to AREDS2, called 'Saffron 2020 Pro'- this is on the way but will take up to 3 weeks to arrive from America (as there's nothing in Europe again). Persevita is actually a Canadian company in Montreal, but ship via the US. Google Persevita to find out all there is to know ...
yes. im researching the saffron now. its very very expensive and you have to be careful where it comes from. theres good quality saffron and 2nd rate stuff .I am researching more though. let us know how it goes. I wonder how you can monitor if what we do is doing any good because the macular continues to degenerate so I has at a guess we wont get an actual positive result as we cant restore whats already lost in this area?..
Hi horseaddict - that's the reason I'm interested in saffron - it can restore pigment that has been lost and actually improve eyesight over a period of time (like several months). Persevita specialise in macular degeneration - most others are only general benefits not related particularly to AMD. Been there, done that. I have isolated them as the best bet, and the cost is lower than AREDS2 for the supplementary version (€50 for a 90 day supply) so worth a try). Right now there's free shipping over the Thanksgiving period, which saves €10 ... every little helps! I don't think you can monitor progress - every person is different and will react differently, but the overall effect is good rather than nothing, and certainly not bad. As always - no guarantees, but if you don't try you don't find out.
Is saffron scientifically proven to replace lost pigment..if so..we all need to get on this. Does the macula society have any info on this too. Sounds very interesting indeed.
Read the Google stuff about Persevita. Their Saffron 2020 works genetically in combination with resveratrol to replace eye cells - pigments - in cases of dry AMD. This can actually improve vision, though there's no guarantees. It's not like fixing a car, but offers the best hope of doing something useful. Gene therapy offers the best hope for the future too - but that's way in the future. Saffron 2020 is here now. There have been clinical trials to back this up, yes, though I don't know what they were.
You can buy 0.5g saffron in Marks & Spencer for £2.50 (cheaper than Tesco's) I put a pinch in a glass of cold water and leave overnight (no need to boil or simmer) The stigmas just leech out into the water. You can then strain the liquid into another glass and re-use the stigmas a second time if you wish. Alternatively you could put the entire half gram of saffron into a large pitcher of water. I've been taking saffron for quite a number of months now. However, I see little or no improvement in my condition (wet AMD)
I think you have to buy a specific top quality grade of saffron as there are quality grades and standard saffron. the good stuff is way way more than m and s stuff. ive only just started to research saffron and see if theres any scientific evidence of it helping the macula. thank you for your reply.
It's not rocket science. Most saffron comes from Spain. It is also produced in Afghanistan. The fake stuff crumbles into a dust. Supermarkets do have standards to observe. Apart from supermarkets, there are a host of brands on the market. Try Amazon. But again, you get mixed reviews for the same product. M&S is just as handy.
In regard to AREDS2, Andrew Saul wrote this,
I have been reading Andrew Saul's work for the last 4 or 5 years, I am a true believer and follow many of his recommendations. He is not a doctor but an educator who teaches doctors. He has written many books on vitamins, nutrition and supplements.
I myself take many supplements including 8000 mg. of Vitamin C everyday.
AREDS2 contains 500 mg.
I have been receiving monthly injections firstly with Avastin and now Eylea for the last 5 years. My right eye has been completely resolved but my left eye is still showing leakage,
I have 20/20 in both eyes. my pressures were starting to come up so I quit coffee and started magnesium supplements and now pressures are in normal ranges.
My opthalmologist has now recommended injections every 6 weeks instead of every four.
Don't take my word on any of this, please educate yourselves on non-traditional options.
Thank you, I will be visiting your recommended doctoryourself.com