I was diagnosed with dry macula degeneration and wonder if stronger lenses in my glasses would help?
Lenses: I was diagnosed with dry macula... - Macular Society

If it was anything other than an eye clinic make sure you have a referral to one.
Dry becomes wet often and only a specialist clinic has the right equipment
It’s important to have the right prescription in your glasses so that you continue to see as well as possible regardless of the macular degeneration. Macular degeneration is damage to the centre of the retina, so unfortunately a higher prescription can’t change that. Good luck. Very good info and leaflets on the Macular Society website. Also a very patient helpline.
If you just saw an optician you should ask for a referral to an eye clinic as dry AMD can change to wet and it's good to be monitored. Stronger glasses won't help the dry AMD unfortunately. Good luck.
When I first had the symptoms of dry macular and distorted vision I thought that I needed higher prescription contact lens to correct the distorted vision but that wasn t possible as it has to do with the condition ..as others said glasses wouldn t make any difference...hope u get yr answer when u go at yr hospital appointment ..all the very best
Unfortunately a stronger prescription will not help. The problem with retinal diseases such as AMD is that the problem with your eye is at the back. This is not the same place as the lens for which you see. It is like having a dirty windscreen and cleaning your spectacle glasses it won’t help you see through the windscreen better.
Thank you all very kind