I am 6 weeks post op for yag laser capsulotomy. My right eye has lost central vision. My left eye is the yag laser. Bright lights then to darkness brings black shadows in my vision. Is this normal? Thank you
Yag laser for secondary cataract - Macular Society
Yag laser for secondary cataract

Sorry don't know. Try calling or email the macular society helpline? Or contact the clinic doc where you had the laser done. Best wishes going forward.

Dear Codeblack7,
It would be worth contacting your ophthalmologist via their secretary to discuss your concerns.
Kind regards,
Macular Society Advice and Information Service
0300 3030 111
Thank you for your response. I contacted the ophthomologist and they stated that it was normal. Since I have one good eye I get anxious if something is new. Sometimes it would be nice if you are told what is normal in the beginning. I am very thankful the vision that I have-thanks again.
Code black
Dear Codeblack7,
You are always welcome to contact us if you would ever like to discuss anything.
The Macular Society Advice and Information service is open 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday on 0300 3030 111.
Alternately, you can contact us via:
Kind regards,
Thank you. The macular society is a great help. I am not convinced how normal it is having black areas in my vision going from a lighted area to a darker room. The yag laser was 2 months ago. The clearer vision was great. The vision in that eye actually goes black changing locations in a room especially if bending over to pick something up from the floor. It only lasts a few seconds. I have lost central vision in my other eye. I get a little anxious about the good eye.
Thanks again