Update review at 18 weeks after 3rd ozurdex - Macular Society

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Update review at 18 weeks after 3rd ozurdex

12 Replies

Hi All,

Well oedema returning so 4 th implant planned. Doc says as long as I have some positive response then we can continue unless IOP or other factor becomes an issue. I am now officially chronic ( & cranky lol).

Regarding cataract - firstly my friend got her situation wrong. It's not her cataract that has returned ( this cannot happen). It's a complication of the surgery where the capsule that holds the new lens gets cloudy and lasering will clear it. Good!

I asked about why I got them in each eye. He said L due to steroid R old age ( I'm56 and no-one in my family have them). I told him last Dr said both due to steroid. He then said a tiny bit can leak from implant and affect other eye but they only attribute that to steroid implant if person is young, otherwise it's down to age . So mine are coincidental. Not sure I believe that. Wish they'd all say exactly the same thing!

He agreed the last 2 clinc review letters were unclear and promised the next would be factually correct. We shall see......

Good news is IOP is fine.

Even better news is that I've finished draft 1 of the second book in my trilogy. Hurrah!

Keep smiling everyone. We have no way to go but forward X

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12 Replies
Bobbie915 profile image

You are just amazing Eyesright. An inspiration to us all. Good luck with the next implant. x x x

in reply to Bobbie915

Aww. Thank you Bobbie915. I'm lucky not to be as bad off as many on here ( and the many more who haven't found the forum yet) but it does serve to keep me focused on the now ( wish I'd learned that lesson years ago mind!).

2468G profile image

Hi eyesright.

Love the upbeat way you write your updates. As a fellow 'young un' dealing with macular issues I hope I can remain as optimistic as you.

Hope your future result letters clarify the situation and that treatment can go ahead.

I'm awaiting results from my last scan which was 9 days ago to see if I need more injections.

My best wishes to you. 2468G

in reply to 2468G

Thanks x Fingers crossed for you too x

Ive had my times of despair and there are times my fears rise up but I have come to realize that how we feel is a choice. I choose now to make the most of what I have in this moment.

No doubt there will be more challenging things to come in life and I will allow myself to cry when they do, acknowledging their impact, but I know that I will also pick myself up by my bootstraps and try to soldier on. Because no-one else can do that for me and I am at least stlll here to do so. The world is a beautiful place and I am so grateful to be able to enjoy it's experiences.

Best wishes to you going forward x

2468G profile image
2468G in reply to

Gosh you write beautifully. I love your comments on here. You know how to hit the spot. I think your books must be impressive.

Just received my results. Still got a slight leak so another injection and scan in 4 weeks. I expected this.

Best wishes to you. 2468G

rosyG profile image

hi Eyesright- sorry re "chronic" but pleased they will keep on with implants- which seems to be much better re timeline than injections were for you.Congrats on writing- I am planning my 4th book- others were all unfinished so this time I am planning a lot so that I hope not to get lost half way through- any tips welcome! I am on 10 weeks for injections now ) BVRO like you) but still get some leakage but not central at present.

in reply to rosyG

Oh, all these budding authors! I too wrote a novel about about 30 yeas ago. Then I revised it for the next 20 years - revising and putting it back into the the drawer and revising again - until I saw it finally in print. It's a lovely feeling. I have always wanted to write another book, but as yet, have not managed to get down to it due to other commitments. Just persevere. You'll get there!

in reply to

Ooh you got printed, fabulous!!!

Don't think I'll get that far, but I've had some lovely rejections lol x The young girls at work ( my stories are science fantasy YA 15-24+) have persuaded me to put them on Amazon so that's what I'm aiming for. Funny but without all this eye business don't think I'd have even started book 1 but now I'm determined to finish the trilogy (something to tick off my bucket list anyway). Every cloud and all that.....

in reply to rosyG

Thanks rosyg x this writing lark is all pretty new to me ( a distraction from the eye) - always wanted to when I was younger but could never finish. This time I knew the beginning and end, and the storyline of my main characters ( ie their love story) filling in the rest just evolved as I researched. Though not going off on a tangent was difficult sometimes! I seem to run out of steam at 50K words then get a second wind after putting it down for a week or so. Good luck with your inj and writing too xxx

IvyRose2 profile image

Good luck for the future, your positive approach is inspirational.

in reply to IvyRose2

Thankyou ivyrose. X This forum helps me so much to keep things in perspective. I can recommend having a project to focus on too ( there are days I can't actually focus ha ha but then I plan in my head and handwrite in very large script to type up later - where there's a will there's a way ( or is that a relative?!).

Good luck to you going forward. X

Bobbie915 profile image

Hi Eyesright, I hope we are going to hear when your books get published. I buy a lot of Kindle books. They are such a God send when reading paper books would be out of the question - unless using a magnifier!!

My husband thinks I read too much - I tell him, I want to read as much as I can, whilst I can!!! x x x

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