Update review after 3rd ozurdex - now cata... - Macular Society

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Update review after 3rd ozurdex - now cataracts!

16 Replies

Hi all, another mixed bag. Review showed the implant is working however I now have cataracts both eyes. Left one ( with implant) is accelerated so I'm now on the list to have it done. At least that's the reason for the blurred vision, not more oedema.

Was a bit of a surprise though as consultant said " your cataracts are worse" and I said " what cataracts?!". First I'd heard . He said when he saw me Oct they weren't worth mentioning. When I asked why other consultant I saw in Feb & optician both said " clear crystalline lens" ie no cataract he couldn't explain!

Got to say, I'm a bit !#*#ed about it. Knew it was a side effect of steroid but didn't think I'd get them so soon. Hey ho.

Anyway, hopefully this implant will work and that will be that. At least this Dr said there was no limit on number of implants I could have of needed. Of course, if I see a different Dr next review that might all change! it does get annoying when they don't all tell you the same info Lol.

If anyone has any info to share re having cataracts done I'd be grateful. X

Hope everyone enjoys this lovely weather.

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16 Replies

And so it goes on for you, eyesright!!! So sorry to hear it. And yes, it is probably the steroids that has accelerated the growth of your cataracts. Having said that, about 7 years ago an optometrist told me I had cataracts coming on and that I needed to visit the the optician every year, which I did for three years running when another optometrist at the same optician said "no you have no cataracts; your eyes are quite clear". I think he needed glasses too. As a result I decided to extend my visits to 2 years again. Now I have cataracts in both eyes, worse in the untreated eye (my so-called good eye) as well as AMD in both eyes. I am told I'll have the cataracts removed in about a year' time. So I cannot tell you what it is like.

I agree with you, it is most disconcerting when different so-called experts give you conflicting information. I am happy for you though that at least the implants are working.

Take care, eyesright and all the best.

rosyG profile image

sorry to hear this eyesright. I have read you should have experienced person for cataract removal after treatment for BVRO- sure they will give you that but worth checking- think I read it in the NICE guidance

Bobbie915 profile image

Hi Eyesright, does it ever end?? I did have cataract operation on both eyes about 3 to 4 years ago - quickly followed by wet AMD in 1 eye and a few months later in the other eye. Prior to the op, I was completely unaware of my sight being affected. The operation was no worse than having an eye injection, except that it takes a little longer, probably 15 minutes. The clamp was the worse part, not sure if that was due to lack of skill.

I know it is said that cataract operation doesn't cause AMD but - does it accelerate it??? All water under the bridge! I wish I had been a bit more clued up about eye conditions. I didn't realise how precious my sight was - just took it for granted.

Best wishes to you. x x x

If it is any consolation, I have made the comment on here previously, my wife’s aunt had both hers dealt with at age 98 and now at very nearly 107 she reads without specs!

2468G profile image

Hi eyesright

Glad you have some good news regards the implant. We need to hear some positives during our many appointments.

When I was sat in the injection room awaiting my third injection the nurse mentioned I had cataracts. I was a bit shocked like you. I had no idea. It has never been mentioned by optician or hospital staff before. He told me not to be concerned and that it would be sorted out in the future. That It was to be expected with my eyesight.

I will be interested to hear how you get on if you have them treated.

StokeySue profile image

I don't have AMD but MMD (myopic MD) And cataracts.. Not had them done yet

What I do know is that people with severe myopia are more prone to fast developing cataracts than most other people, so that might apply to some of you.

Mine have been visible to the ophthalmologist for some time, but have only been symptomatic for a short time - apparently, like have a scratch on a lens or a strand of hair in front of your eyes the clouding is only a problem if it is in line of sight; mine wasn't until it spread and intensified a bit so it will be treated according to symptoms rather than its appearance

Both my parents were treated for cataracts, my dad not long after he retired.

Rosalyn-helpline profile image

Rear eyesright,

This is a link to our cataract factsheet which applies to AMD. It may be worth using it as a discussion point with your ophthalmologist:


Kind regards,

Macular Society helpline

0300 3030 111

Historyman profile image

I had a BRVO three years ago with a secondary cystoid macular odema. Since then I've had five Osurdex implants. Obviously everyone has a different reaction, but I found I started to have cataract formation after the third injection. By the fifth, my vision was pretty cloudy in the affected eye, so they did a cataract removal last December. Really not much different to an implant op, but they usually combine the cataract op with yet another implant, because the cataract op can inflame your macular again. It's now May and my cystoid MO has started to erupt again. So I can look forward to another Osurdex. The specialists say you can have any number of Osurdex as long as you respond to them and your pressures don't rise. It seems the whole strategy is a holding operation in the hope that your body will finally resolve the situation and they can give up the dartboard routine. As I said we all respond differently and some recover quite quickly, while others just bat on. I would be interested to know if anyone has got into double figures with Osurdex.

in reply to Historyman

Thanks for this, I appreciate it. Not good but nice to know someone else hit 3 implants and got cataracts too.

Have your IOP s been fine? Mine is up ( since the beginning with Lucentis and after checking also with implant) but well managed with timolol drops.

Are you pleased with cataract op? I work with someone who isn't, says her vision is nothing like they promised. However it must be better than keeping a cloudy lens right?

Did you get the basic lens or pay for a ' varifocal' type? If basic what does that actually let you see?

Do you wear specs too? I will need to for other eye at least. Sorry for so many questions!

Historyman profile image
Historyman in reply to

My IOPs have been fine, which is an upside. The cataract op was a good move as it does clear your surrounding vision. After six weeks of settling down I then changed my glasses, since your vision balance will have changed. I have a light cataract forming in my good eye and they say they will fix that in due course. I think cat ops have a very good safety record. I had the NHS standard lens, which seems fine, but I gather you can opt for a vari lens if you go privately (at some expense!).

in reply to Historyman

Thanks. Much appreciated.

Sijslws profile image

Hi Eyesright

Thanks for the update as I was switched from Eyelea to Ozurdex at my last visit to the Eye Clinic. The Doctor that I see most frequently had indicated that I was being recommenced on Eyelea for my left eye but when I got to the Injection Clinic a different Doctor decided it would be better to switch to Ozurdex. His rationale being that as I already have cateract developing in my left eye it is worth trying the switch.

The Doctor I see most frequently at the Eye Clinic has previously indicated that removing the cateract will not even be considered until the oedema has been resolved.

I am in the situation where I am getting increasingly unsure as to the extent to which the poor vision in my left eye is due to the oedema and how much is down to the cateract. I also worry that the longer it goes on in this situation the more likely I am likely to end up falling foul of my local Clinical Commissioning Group's criteria for allowing a cateract removal. At the moment I am still ok for driving and as I need to drive in order to collect grandchildren from school I think I will qualify for a cateract removal.

I do hope your cateract removal does go ahead smoothly and apologise for not having any suitable experience to relay to you.


in reply to Sijslws

Hi Alun, thanks. Time has moved on since my post. I had a few more ozurdex :) and my cataract op in left eye was a great success. I had it done shortly after an ozurdex implant so my oedema was v low at the time.

Good luck with yours .

Sijslws profile image

Sorry Eyes right I had not noticed how old the thread was and ironically we have exchanged messages on here since then.It is good that you have managed to achieve that progress. If I can ask whether you were ever able to tell the difference between a dip in your eyesight due to the Oedema and the progressive deterioration due to the cateract. I ask as at the moment I am totally reliant on the scan enabling the Doctor to tell me whether the Oedema is better or worse but now I am on Ozurdex there will be 6 months between scans and if I suffer any deterioration in my eyesight in between scans I will not be able to tell whether the Ozurdex is not working for me or if the cateract deterioration is gathering pace.


in reply to Sijslws

For me it was like the cataract just made colours dim and more brown toned. Any blurriness seemed oedema related .However, my doc at the time did say they didn't know what affect the cataract was having on my visual acuity but maybe that was because they couldn't see through it themselves??

Sijslws profile image
Sijslws in reply to

I rather feared it may not be straight forward to distinguish between the precise impact of one as opposed to the other. What I have been experiencing over recent months is what seems like fine sepia strands through my eyesight which will disappear with a couple of intense blinks of the eye but then reoccur a few times in the day and then might not happen for a few days. My usual day to day awareness of fluctuations in my vision is my ability to read the programme guide on my Freesat box however not particularly scientific.Thanks for what you were able to relay to me


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