I had macular hole surgery last year and because of this I developed a cataract pretty quickly . I have been shortsighted in both eyes for a long time but worse in my operated eye .
I had a cataract operation just over a week ago and had a check up with the surgeon yesterday who confirmed it’s all looking as it should but I am feeling very off balance and sick .
I explained this to the surgeon who confirmed it’s because of the difference in prescription in both eyes as the operated eye now has virtually no prescription but the other eye is still -6 .
I have done as he advised me to get a clear lens put in on the operated eye side of my glasses but so far this hasn’t helped.
He wants to see me in another four weeks but said if I’m still struggling I might have to consider having the others eye done even though there isn’t a cataract in that one just to even them up .
The only other thing he said I could try is to get a contact lens for the unoperated eye instead of wearing the glasses . I don’t really understand why this might help .
Any help would really be appreciated as I have just started a new job and need to be able to start driving again as well .