After my last eylea injection at the beginning of December I was told I did not need any more for the time being. Went for my scan etc on the 9th of January (no consultation). Today I had a letter informing me that I need at least two more, starting at the beginning of Feb at 8 weeks interval. No exact date yet. Well, there goes my break!
What puzzle me, I have mainly been seing two different consultants. Mr A is not exactly unfriendly but is not easy to talk to. He seems to be a "wait and see" man. Mr B is very friendly and talks with me rather than at me. His principle is "if we catch it early we have a better chance". He even mentioned that my cataracts need attention within the next year or so, especially in my "good" eye since the vision in that eye is hardly better than in the bad one, which Mr A seems to ignore. He seems just concerned with the injections although he too looks at the scans. Perhaps that is his role.
I wonder who of the two decides over my treatment or are there other parties involved. Does anyone know how the system works?