Hi all, well yet again I'm bucking the odds.
After a good result at wk 8 Oedema is now back, IOP is reduced though (after 2wks no timolol drops). Yes, it's expected to be the other way round!
Surprisingly I was given the option to go back to inj or another implant. Wasn't expecting a choice and had to decide there and then. I've slept on it and am going to stick with my choice - another implant.
Although risk of cataract is higher and I have been getting headaches I decided fewer inj reduces infection risk and also the small risk of stroke the anti vegf inj have ( given my brvo was essentially a stroke in the eye it was a concern those with wmd probably can view as negligible . I can take my aspirin more often too if not getting monthly inj).
Did have a bit of confusion. New consultant said keep taking the timolol as IOP good. I asked even though stopped it 2wks ago? Wasn't that the point, to see if the inj had raised it? Ah, yes, all good then, stop taking it was the reply.
An interesting aside - at the eye chart test there were a few letters I was unsure of eg M / H. F/P. I asked the nurse if she counted those and she said yes which i didnt think she should do. So I asked the consultant and he said oh no they won't count it. I explained she had confirmed she did. He then said well that explains the odd thing then. My vision score was better but the oedema was worse which made no sense!
So in future I will not mention "either/or" letters as it can clearly affect the potential outcome of a review.
Is it just me or does anyone else despair of clinics ensuring their staff are all following the same protocols? And are properly reading/documenting decisions made at reviews!
Hey ho. Waiting on date for next implant......