I have BRVO and macular edema. I have a light grey "cloud" shaped like a "v" in the upper middle of my vision, starting right at the center of the amsler grid.
After my first Avastin shot, the cloud became lighter, and dissipated slightly. My retinal specialist said he noticed some of the blood had been absorbed.
After my second shot the cloud moved higher, and seemed to break up more, but after a couple of weeks it's back as bad as it was the first time.
The grid lines are also still wavy from the edema.
I see the MD again Monday and will prob get another Avastin shot, and after that, Eylea.
My question is, has ANYONE had their vision return to what it was? I'm very disappointed with the process and the fuzziness really affects my vision, it makes me almost dizzy.
Thanks in advance.