IMPORTANT PETITION!!!!!!!!: Hiya gang! Please can... - LUPUS UK


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Sher78 profile image
34 Replies

Hiya gang! Please can we all sign (& share this if possible). It's such an important issue as many of us STILL have 2 pay 4 our scripts, even 4 things like warfarin, which those of us with APS etc need 2 actually LIVE!

Thank you x


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Sher78 profile image
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34 Replies
LottaTee profile image

I was just about to post this too. I have shared on Facebook and the lupus groups I am in. I am also about to send an email at work too.

Purpletop profile image


janekins profile image

Done hun x

field profile image

I have done it, however I doubt it will happen in view of this goverment tough austerity measures and the fact that they don't give two hoots about sick disabled or poor people.

Sorry to be a kill joy.

lupusjon profile image

done :)

caninecrazy profile image

evening sher,

just signed it. havnt been able to get my antibiotics for chest infection as money so tight. :(

take care hun x

megs_tom profile image

Signed and shared xxc

Danielle2419 profile image

Signed it, wouldnt it be marvellous if that happened dont no about this goverment though


bam1993 profile image

Yeah, me too, signed and shared-I too doubt it will happen-but it makes me mad anyway that people in Wales and Scotland do not pay at all!!! I thought we were all British!

Callie profile image

Done xx

ShellW profile image

I'm almost embarrassed to leave this comment as I'm sure I may upset some people but I do feel very strongly about it. The NHS does not have a bottomless pit of money, many medications are incredibly expensive and the prescription fees go nowhere near covering the cost of them. Several years ago, using mims I added up how much my medication actually cost and it was a couple of hundred pounds a month, now I am on monthly tocalizumab and that costs, I think, a couple of thousand a year. The Government already help by providing a prescription prepayment certificate for £104 per year which can be paid monthly so if you need two prescriptions a month you are better off with a prepayment certificate. You then do not pay any more for any prescriptions you receive. I used to work at a GP surgery with a pharmacy and roughly 50% of the people collecting prescriptions did not have to pay for one reason or another. I am not someone who is interested in politics as I don't believe any of them but I have worked as a secretary for the NHS in a GP surgery and hospital and also in private practice so I am aware of how expensive medical treatment is. In a perfect world it would be lovely to have everything free but that's not possible. The only way to possibly reduce medication costs is to go straight to the drug companies and look at how much they are charging. However it is the drug companies who fund a lot of research so I expect that is how they would justify their prices.

Hanny profile image
Hanny in reply to ShellW

I understand the point you are making but it is the inconsistencies which annoy me. Why are some conditions deemed to deserve free medication, even those which have been brought about by poor diet, alcohol/ drug addiction? I will be signing.

ShellW profile image
ShellW in reply to Hanny

I agree totally, that's why I really think that other than the free prescriptions for pensioners we should all pay for prescriptions.

katerowley profile image
katerowley in reply to ShellW

most people with a connective tissue disease suffer with thyroid issues and you can ask your doctor for a form to apply for a medical exemption card, this covers all your prescriptions.

Purpletop profile image
Purpletop in reply to ShellW

I agree it isn't cheap but nor is the amount of taxes we pay each year for NHS to provide this service. I don't want to go into the politics of budget allocation for NHS as opposed to other government departments but if you work all your life and pay for a service that you don't use as often as you pay for, then there should be some ability to claw back that expense through free treatment (be that doctors time, hospital procedure or medication).

lisadavie profile image

Done and shared :)

hollyhock profile image

Done and shared x

Magmag611 profile image

Done! x

lucy-may profile image

Done! X

beckybooboo profile image

Have done it - I do think that all incurable ilnesses should. Good luck and lets hope it does some good xx

lemonface profile image

I agree with Hanny that it does seem very unfair that people who bring about their illness by bad lifestyle and diet choices get free prescriptions so why shouldnt we. I always had a prepaid prescription for the 6 yrears I was on meds. It worked out much cheaper. Since being dx with LEMS last year and having to take meds for a while to sort it out I was very pleased to learn that `Myasthenia` comes under the exempt list of conditions. so I get them free. If I lived in my homeland Scotland they would be free too. as is the case in Wales I think. Everyone gets free meds there I believe. How can they do it and England not.? I have signed the petition.

Riverbird profile image

Afraid I agree with shellW,

I may upset some too, but looking at it from a slightly different angle, in addition to the cost of the actual drug, the pharmacist receives fees for dispensing it and reimbursement for the container it is supplied in (used to be 29p reimbursement to the pharmacist for the container). In 2011 alone a whopping 961 million items were prescribed. It used to make me cross when well heeled pensioners drove to their GP (passing the chemist on the way) to get a free prescription for their paracetamol for their general aches and pains that they could buy over the counter for 15p - 25p, (bear in mind the 29p container cost alone) blissfully unaware how much extra on top it was costing the NHS. In real terms a simple prescription for paracetamol can cost as much as £50, when the GP's and pharmacists time is factored in too. In Wales alone, paracetamol prescribing costed out at approx. £50 million pounds a year.I am sure that there are many people who do need large amounts of paracetamol and that is clearly appropriate. However the amount of money that could be saved by people who get it from their GP "because it is free" (rather than buy it themselves) is millions and could fund special anti-cancer drugs for patients, that are currently not available on cost grounds. I think more publicity should be given to the drugs which would save both the patient and the NHS money if bought over the counter and there are quite a few. Research has shown that cheap own brand paracetamol bought over the counter is just as effective as the branded makes and prescribing of paracetamol is still on the increase. I would love free prescriptions too, but I would rather pay a bit for mine to help others, such as those who are worse off, rather than see them go without because the NHS cannot afford it. The majority of prescriptions issued go to people who receive them free and with an ageing population that will inevitably increase. As shellW says, we do not have a bottomless pit and something has to be financially rationed or those essential services that we all need and rely on get trimmed more and more instead. Please Don't not get me wrong, not saying the petition for Lupies is not a very just and worthwhile petition to have, just an alternative view point.

LynnD profile image

Done. that would be great.

sebitha profile image


davinafrost profile image

Done - wouldn't that be a weight lifted!

Sher78 profile image

I have been on warfarin since I was 16 (4 APS) & will b on it 4 the rest of my life.

Now if I don't have my warfarin, I'm dead, simple as that really. So should I have 2 pay 4 the privilege of life?

A big thank you 2 every1 who has signed though :D

Riverbird profile image

Hi Sher78,

No you should not! and I will never understand why the powers that be choose certain illnesses only for free prescriptions there are many life=threatening illnesses after all. Just so glad we are not on a private medical system in this country when we would have to pay the full amount, because it works out to be very expensive already on the NHS if you are on several drugs. I know in my earlier post I said there was not a bottomless pit and there is certainly rationing, but sure this country would be better giving people free prescriptions so they could live rather than spending billions as they do on some of their other questionable ideas.

Sher78 profile image
Sher78 in reply to Riverbird

Totally agree Riverbird, some of the things that r handed out free by the NHS r certainly questionable (& having worked 4 the NHS I often saw this first hand). Unfortunately, it's always some muppet in a suit that decides what 'qualifies' as a 'life-threatening' illness who 9 times out of 10 has no medical knowledge or experience anyway.

I can no longer work because of all my conditions & why should I have 2 buy a pre-payment certificate? I've worked all my life up until now, paid my tax & NI contributions, but yet I STILL must pay 4 my meds 2 ensure I wake up breathing everyday. Now if I was a smack head, that would b a different matter......

Yes, I am thankful that our country has the health system it does but in other countries u can buy certain meds (such as asthma pumps) over the counter without a script 4 next 2 nothing. Whether this is a good idea or not I don't know as there r pro's & cons 2 this but it certainly came in handy 4 my other half when we were on holiday in Tenerife & he picked up a pump from the pharmacy 4 £2, whereas here he pays £8 or something

rlupus profile image

Done and shared lets hope they listen so unfair as scotland get free scripts,

Karula profile image

Hi Sher78

I am new here as of this evening and this is the first post I have commented on. I work within the NHS and understand the cost implications of drugs and the disease processes that receive free prescriptions and the disease processes that are deemed to be life threatening. Sadly Lupus is not up there with the wider world when it should be. It is a debilitating and potentially life threatening process that we have no control over.

I support your petition and have signed it.

jemmyjemjem profile image

I signed it and had a row with a friend on facebook as he thought I shouldn't be allowed free prescriptions because of my "modest" income .. I did remind him that I do not have a modest income.

I just want to say I pay monthly for a pre-payment certificate which is £10.05 for 10 months ... so £105 in total ...

I will be taking meds for the rest of my life ..... so total spend on pre payment ... £5250 ....

I actually have 3 prescriptions a month .... 2 lots of steroids and immune suppressants ... total £23.25 .... total £13950 ... then every other month I have pain relief and anti bitoics (permanent infection in my salivary gland) .. another £4650 ..


If I did not have my pre payment this would amount to £18600. over 50 years .. so basically I will work 2 years of my life to pay for the rest of my lifes prescription ...

Yet another friend of mine does not work .. has no intention of working .. has nothing wrong .. and told me she claims £2500 a MONTH in benefits ... AND gets her prescriptions free !!

£2500 = £30,000 PER YEAR

£30,000 = £300,000 OVER 10 YEARS

£300,000 = £1,500,000 OVER 50 YEARS !!

Over the next 50 years she will claim £1,500,000 ... !!

Something is wrong in the system somewhere.

I need my meds to live a healthy full life, to support my children, look after my family and be a the person I should be. God forbid I should get any help to allow me to do that.

kezzie profile image

I have signed the petition, I just believe LUPUS needs to come to the forefront of people's mind. I lived overseas when i was diagnosed and had to pay for everything, GP was 40 euros, Rheumy was 140 euros a shot with a 2 hour drive, plaquinal was 65 euro!!!!! The list was endless and the hospitals and doctors services were far worse than our nhs. As long as we are educated on what to get on prescription and what not to get I feel we are doing are bit. I am on numerous drugs now and know if i was not taking them and i wouldn't be here.

So i do think that incurable diseases which cause so much damage to our bodies should be a priority.

willow80 profile image


I suffer from another condition which entitles me to free prescriptions, however this was not mentioned to my parents so they/I paid from the age of thirteen until twenty five. It was only when expecting my second child that the Health Authority informed me.

I will buy paracetamol, eye drops for dry eye and will not ask the doctor about suntan cream or shampoos - I will pay for these.

There are many who suffer with life threatening conditions who also do not get given free prescriptions.

shyandsmiley profile image

Hiya all


Love and hugs



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