Weight Loss and Public Humiliation :-): Hi All... - LUPUS UK


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Weight Loss and Public Humiliation :-)

jemmyjemjem profile image
21 Replies

Hi All.

So I have started reducing my steroids down, after a rocky start, I am now reducing by 1mg a week. Today sees me start on 7mg.

I have also been attempting to diet. I lost almost a stone before Christmas but have since put it back on, it is so easier to do when your on steroids and when you work from home.

So, I am reducing the steroids and we have booked a holiday for August, so motivation to lose the weight too.

I thought I would start a blog post, and each week I would "weigh in" on the blog, that way I have to be honest and truthful, and you can all boo me when I lose nothing and Cheer when i lose half pounds at a time.

You may also want to join in too. I am following the slimming world diet, so food combining, basically red days and green days, no mixing carbs and proteins, but allowing yourself daily treats (aka syns!).

It worked before xmas when I was on a 15mg of steroid a day, so it has to work now.

I am 5ft 7" (170cm)

I am a dress size 14 (sometimes a 16)

My BMI (27.6) puts me in the middle of Overweight weight category.

So Today I top the scales at 80 kg or 12 Stone 8 lb in old money.

Wish me luck fellow lupies ..............

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jemmyjemjem profile image
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21 Replies
Melinda profile image

Blimey, i'm 5ft 5" and mostly size 16. I was between size 12 and 14 when i started on high dose steroids. I'm only taking 5mg at the moment, but i'm finding it hard to lose what i gained.

Purpletop profile image

Good luck! I have been slowly losing weight since November, I've managed to get down from 75 kilo to 69 kilo by reducing the amount I ate, cutting off alcohol, sugar, wheat and dairy. It is hard, you've done so well already, though, so you're bound to succeed. I'm 5ft 4" and just now coming slightly under size 16 but not yet size 14.

And you've given yourself a realistic timeline to achieve it too, so do update us, you'll definitely motivate me to stay off the sugar (read cakes and chocolate).

jemmyjemjem profile image

haha @ purpletop ... mine is cakes and alcohol too .. that is a great weight loss .. my pan is too swim as well .. we have a gym literally at the end of our road in the grounds of a beautiful Hilton hotel .. use of a outside pool in the summer .. so motivation to get in there too ... I shall do it .. I have got a pattern for a luvly pair of shorts that I want to make to wear on my hols :D

Sher78 profile image

Good luck Jem, I believe u'll do it honey so don't bloodywell let me down girl ;-) x

copdber profile image

Good luck with the weight loss promis I'll join you tomorrow but tonight I'm having a large glass of wine and a pk of pretzels. Had a crap day and feel crap so I'm off my diet for one night.

megs_tom profile image

Good luck hun and I am also trying to lose weight! We can all support each other, makes a change from supporting each other through lupus!lol. I am 5ft 6, weigh 13st 6lb and am between a size 12-14 (definately more 14!!). Really want to lose 3 stone to get a healthy bmi and hopefully help my joints! Xxxx

SarahHeney profile image

Good for you!!! I started Weightwatchers last February qhen I came off steroids and habe now lost 30lbs and still going. 5foot 8inches now 11stone 11lbs. Targt 11 stone. It takes twice as long with all the meds I am still on but I feel so much better now. Good luck. It can be done xc

mainlyconfused profile image

Hi there. I too am on steroids. I joined skimming world after Christmas but went up and down by half a pound until I gave up. I think you did brilliantly to lose a stone before. I found it almost impossible - my husband lost loads. I hate being this weight (asize 10 before, now a 14) I'm going to start again, so thanks for the motivation. Good luck, keep us informed :-)

hazelHollingsworth profile image

Good luck, you are doing well. I to go to Slimming world and lost 4stone before I had major spine surgery and have put 2 1/2 back on after the opp with being imobile and pumped full of 40mg day steriods. Case of Boredom - "Oh what can I do - oh I know have a chocc. biscuit". Have now like you reduced the steriods slowly and am loosing a stead 1lb a week. I think as you say, it will help to know that others know what you are going through and we are here to cheer you on or give you a little Boooo.

Me - I am 66 years old in June weigh 12st 6lb, a 'mini' 5ft 2 ins, can't walk but Do swim - But as you can see - I am NOT over weight - I am Under Tall !!! xx

Chapter profile image
Chapter in reply to hazelHollingsworth

Well, hazelHollingsworth, we are very close in weight but I am 'Less Tall' than you. I am 5ft 11/2 inches and I will fight for every bit of that. I am a measuring stick for my grandchildren in that I am the first in family that they grow taller than. I tease them that it is not that big of an accomplishment and that they should set their goals higher, but they do enjoy the day they pass me by. I have been trying for the last 6 months to lose but have gained 5 pounds in that time. Well good luck to everyone, today is a new day!

hazelHollingsworth profile image
hazelHollingsworth in reply to Chapter

Do try Slimming World, you can go along to any meeting and will be made welcome and NOT at all embarassed about our weight as we are all there for the same reason. At ours in Eckington (n.e.Derbyshire) we have FOUR couples who go and the men try to out do their wives which adds a bit of fun. You can eat ANYTHING I have chockie biscuits most days as that is what gets me by. The choice would be yours. If you can't get to a meeting, why not join on line. you will get all the same receipes etc, but being with other people help you more.

My daughter is 5ft 4" and my Son 6ft and he calls me 'crutch' as I just fit under his arm! They are Both Stick thin as I was upto going on steriods 30 years ago. We have to keep laughing. If you need any of my own receipes mail me at hazelorio66@tiscali.co.uk or I will try to find you a Sl.World club near you.

bethsuejane profile image

So good to hear all your stories as I have been struggling since October. Such a slow process and often feel like not going to the meetings.....I go toSlimming world too, in Bishops Stortford.

I was 11st 4lbs in October and have lost 5lbs only. 1 and half of these have gone on and come off several times. I do wonder if this is retained fluid during flares. I'm 5ft 4 and between a 14/16. bmi 26 i think.

Thankfully the flares are less severe since being on Azathioprine since January and I've not taken any steroids since September. Just upped the Aza to 100mgms yesterday. All your comments have renewed my commitment so will join in qt he battle with you all! Good luck to all of us!! Beth. X

jemmyjemjem profile image

Hi all. Wow .. so many of us out there trying to do it .. yeay !! .. we shall overcome !! .. In the words of Winston Churchill ...

We shall go on to the end and become out target weight, we shall holiday in France (well I will!)

we shall swim in the seas and oceans without frightening the fishes

we shall live with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our weight loss, whatever the cost may be,

we shall lay on the beaches,

we shall run on the landing grounds,

we shall frolick in the fields and in the streets,

we shall sing in the hills!!

So yesterday on SW I had a Red Day, it meant a full roast dinner with potatoes or parsnips ... but replaced with butternut squash and a ham salad for lunch ... I snacked on fruit in abundance ...

Today I shall be having scrambled egg on 2 slices of wholemeal with cheese and ham .... and then for dinner .. Stuffed Peppers with Mediterranean Chicken :D

I shall weight in Next week and let you know if I have lost anything .... I am also painting doors today so thats my exercise for the day :)

Purpletop profile image
Purpletop in reply to jemmyjemjem

Jem, to avoid this post getting too long and us needing to scroll down a lot, try and write a new blog post each day, heading it something like 'Jem's Weight Loss Challenge Day 1' to differentiate between the days. That way we won't feel guilty about replying in one long post.

brave profile image

good luck with weight ,i would except being fat if it meant i felt well,but to be fat and be unwell just sucks ,i hate this disease ;(

beckside profile image

Hi jemmyjemjem,

Good luck with your weight loss, particularly liked your eulogy for the luppies based on the words of Winnie C. I will continue to follow your progress. I'll put my pennyworth forward, this time last year I weighed 10st 3lbs, I am 5' 7, and wore size 10-12. I had recently been diagnosed with Lupus and started on prednisolone today I weigh 13st 10lbs and I'm probably size 18 but I'll stick to a size 16. I hate every single ounce of it.

Anyway I started to taper down my steroids I'm now on 4mg daily (did let the rheumy know) I've cut down on portion size, eat relatively healthy, cut out snacks etc and allow myself one treat a week and in four weeks I've lost nothing! zero!, zilch! I could not believe it I am so disheartened I just felt like going out and buying cakes sweets and stuffing them down my throat. Don't want to spend another summer locked away, in clothes I would not normally buy.

I was never told that I could possibly put on a lot of weight, I know it tells you in the leaflet with the meds but it also says a lot of other things that have not affected me at least they should point out the high possibility of weight gain. My rheumy and GP are not interested when I mention the weight gain, I asked the GP if I could try a diuretic (water pills) and he laughed at me. Has anyone ever tried water pills and had some success? I wish I had a zip at the back of my neck which I could undo and step out of this Mr Blobby suit. However I will continue my fight and let you know when, if ever I start to lose weight.

Purpletop profile image
Purpletop in reply to beckside

Don't get disheartened, losing weight is a long game, 4 weeks is not enough to see the loss. Continue your good work and try not to weigh yourself until you feel your clothes feeling loose (probably another 2 months), then you'll be so pleased.

ebril profile image

Good luck I too lost weight before starting the steroids only to put it back on so good luck and we would never boo you as we all no how difficult it is so just encouragement xxxx

sandwiches profile image

Good luck with your weight loss. I was on 60mg of steroids when i was first diagnosed with lupus. They made me very fat and depressed. I was happy to come of them at 5mg per week. Felt a lot better afterwards. Good wishes.

Nightjar profile image

Staying off 'light' products should help too, particularly anything containing synthetic sugars - making you hunger for more. Good luck! xxx :)

ShannonB profile image

I am on steroids and am early onset menopause due to SLE and started Slimming World about 4 years go to try to get my weight gain under control. It took me ages (nearly 2 years) to lose the weight I wanted to but now have been at target for 3 years. I still follow the Slimming World plan, extra easy. I have loads of recipes online, in case they are helpful: keyingredient.com/collect/8.... It's hard work and requires consistent effort but I truly believe that eating a low fat/low calorie/high fiber diet also helps me keep my flares under control. I wish you all the best! You can do it.

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