rheumatologist.: Just had my 6mnthly appt and saw a... - LUPUS UK


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lindabrown profile image
16 Replies

Just had my 6mnthly appt and saw a new doc. I have been unwell for months and was looking forward to my appt to let them know all about it. I saw this new doc who didnt even look at me all through the appt. He sat looking at computer and casenotes. I was trying to tell him about everything and at one point he put his hand up as much as telling me to be quiet. I have nursed for 34yrs and couldnt believe it. I was out of the room in 5mins flat and was out at the car before I could take in what had happened. The nurses said that this was the way he was, but I certainly wont be seen by him again. I had a fone call from own Gp as he was concerned as my plasma viscosity was very high and he wondered what the doc has said. How can docs behave like that when all you want them to do is at least listen to you. Totally furious and hurt about this.

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lindabrown profile image
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16 Replies
janiceray profile image

I would be hopping mad,Get hold of the Rheumy dept and tell them you were not happy with your visit and would like to see another ASP.

Or get your GP to do it and request that in the future you do not see that doctor again.

I had the face don't fit (both ways)some years ago I complained and have never seen that doctor again.It is most rude to be treated like a nobody,you should have said HELLO I'M HERE.

all the best

Pammy76 profile image

Hi lindabrown, I agree with janiceray, call the rheumy dept and get another dr to see you, saying 'that is just how he is' is not good enough. Talk to your GP he\she will sort it for you. I hope it gets sorted, chin up! X

Binkey profile image

Dear all,we are all dealing with this problem of being virtually dismissed.I did not asked to be diagnosed with lupus.Did you?I can go over and over the instances but,you have to be lucky to find a good GP,they are human and suffer the strains and stresses like all of us,but IT IS the job they chose to do.Good luck to all.

janeway24 profile image

Oh my goodness, and I thought I was the only one, That's exactly how my rhuemy doctor treated me last time I went to see him, and I left without even knowing when my next app is. All he said is he would make arrangements for physio to treat my back( that was 12mnths ago still waiting,apparently there very busy), took me off the hydroxychhloriquine cause he said he didn't think they were helping the joint pain, and yet I felt I was getting some relief from the flares of my skin etc.( my GP won't re-instate them without the rhuemies say so) So I am trying to manage everything without medical care and I feel like (****) Not sure what to do. There is only one rhuemy doc at my hospital and I can't afford to go out of town so think I am just stuck in no mans land. Any way best of luck to you all. Trish.

Annette53 profile image

OMG I just had the same thing happen to me yesterday. This is the second visit with this doc and I can't say enough bad things about him. No bedside manner, seems not to care. I asked him a question because I also have APS.. "how do I know I have a blood clot?" His reply was,,,,,I cannot tell you all of this information in 10 minutes. TEN MINUTES? THAT IS ALL IS GET WITH THIS VISIT? Everytime he asks me a question and I reply, he acts annoyed.. same thing, does not look at me, I am so mad.....I think we need to look for new docs for some results.....

On my visits to Rheum.clinic. I either meet the worlds best Rheumatologist- A female Professor. She takes time, my visit can last up to 1 hour. She goes through exactly EVERYTHING with me, my meds, my pain, my current work situation, my personal feelings, side effects of the Aza, the long term plan of my treatment etc, etc. I feel sometimes that she also is my Psychologist. I even have her mail address in case I need to contact her urgently.

OR I get to see her male colleague (also a Professor)- Mr Ignorant, as I call him. He stares at the screen- Does not look at me when he is talking. I even caught him checking out a young female Med.student 2 visits ago. Which is so out of order. My visits with him lasts approx. 10 minutes. The best part was when he asked me to instruct the Med.Student how to take a correct blood pressure (since I am an ICU nurse. Even though I am there as a pat. myself). I try now before every visit call the Rheum. Outpat.clinic and ask if I can see the female Dr.

My advice to you? Call the Outpat.departement and ask to see someone else on your next visit. Good Luck xx

lindabrown profile image
lindabrown in reply to

Thanks Belle75, I spoke with one of my nursing friends who works in the outpatient dept and she says that I just have to call the outpatient admin and ask to be seen at the other clinic which is 15miles away. Unfortunately he is the only one at my local hosp but I would rather travel than be treated like that again. If we as nurses ever treated anyone like that we would be in serious trouble.

I moved to a new area some 4 years ago and have been so dissapointed with the local hospital service that I have asked to be referred back to my old rheumatologist. It does mean a thirty minute drive to another hospital, but its worth it. I had an excellent rapport with my old reumatologist and even when he was evidently very busy, he showed a real interest in helping me in a very humanistic way. He would ask me what I would like to achieve, offer advice and we would work together towards an appropriate treatment plan. He was always reachable if there was a problem. When I switched over, I was shocked to find myself feeling "brushed off", with no consistancy between appointments. I hope you find a better rheumatologist very soon. x

lucyloo023 profile image

Hi Linda, I know you live in the same area as me although not in same town. I've to see Dr Bhat (my other doc has gone) at Arbroath and she is meant to be very good and I know she works at Ninewells too. I've not met Dr Bhat yet but she is in constant touch with my renal doc so she is keeping up-to-date with how things are going with me and I'll see her at beginning of December.

I would phone the hospital and request an appointment with a different doc and not be fobbed off.

On the whole I've been lucky with my whole treatment from the gp, specialists and meds and I know the specialists are at the end of the phone if I need to speak to them.

Hope it works out for you.



lindabrown profile image
lindabrown in reply to lucyloo023

Thanks. I have telephoned the appt office and I have asked to be seen elsewhere. My next appt will be at Stracathro Hosp. I have been really lucky so far as my Gp is very good, and up until now had no problem at the clinic.

lindabrown profile image
lindabrown in reply to lucyloo023

Hi,Sharon, Do you live in Arbroath? How do you know where I am? Its good to know there are other people dealing with this . I have just recently found this site.x

lucyloo023 profile image
lucyloo023 in reply to lindabrown

Yes I live in Arbroath. It comes up on the directory saying who lives near you and it says you are ten miles away and the map shows Forfar area. I'm new to site too. Joined in Sept when I was diagnosed. Its a good site for support and its good to know people are there for you.

lindabrown profile image
lindabrown in reply to lucyloo023

Hi, I didnt know there was a directory. I have found it now. Do you go to any support groups locally? I have spoken to someone at the south and east scotland lupus group. It operates in Fife. Hope you are well at present. If you ever feel like a moan Im quite happy to meet up. xx

lucyloo023 profile image
lucyloo023 in reply to lindabrown

I don't go to any support group locally but knew there was one in Fife. That's why I was glad to find this site plus there's a couple on Facebook like the Fife one and Lupus is Real. It's just good to have somewhere to moan but to also get advice and to know you're not alone. I'm doing not too bad just now. I've never had any of the really bad symptoms so been lucky. My problems are the kidneys and was having bother breathing properly for a while but the mess seem to be working so that's got better. Also just Knackered all the time but that's the norm with us lupees! Managed to get back to work a couple of days a week so that's helped my sanity! Would be good to meet up since we are in same area. Hope you are doing ok too . Take care and keep smiling.

Sharon x

SueHughes profile image

Hi, sorry to hear about your experience.I had the same about 23 years ago.I went for a special visit because my fingers were becoming inflammed and distorted and he never looked up at me.When I went back months later,after a lot of damage had been done he said oh my god how long has this been so bad.Did I rip in to him,you bet I did!! Today I went to see an Orthopaedic consultant and he said I need an athroscopy.I then said I have a finger thats swelling and he wouldnt look at it because I was there about my knee,the nurse was horrified.I hope you find a new Dr,I see a new one after 22 years as my previous Rhuemy is retiring,I will miss him,hes been there through the bad times,hes not the one that messed up.Good luck Sue xx

karlyt profile image

I share the same frustration. The rheumy I was seeing is totally useless. He only focuses on the arthritic side of Lupus, when we all certainly know that there are many many more sides to it than that. I have asked so many times to see a different rheumatologist, and it is not until now that I have finally been granted my wish! Bearing in mind, the last time I saw that rheumy was in 2009, so we're talking nearly 3 years ago. My neurologist (due to having CNS) actually sorts out more of the lupus issues I have than the rheumy has ever done! Let's hope the new one works, for all of us who have so needlessly suffered due to incompetent "doctors!" Good luck!


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