Do I resign due to illness?: I have a very physical... - LUPUS UK


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Do I resign due to illness?

teecayc profile image
10 Replies

I have a very physical job and struggle with the hours. If they can't offer me reasonable hours do I resign? Anybody got any advice?

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teecayc profile image
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10 Replies
Pammy76 profile image

Hey teecayc, I hope you are keeping well, I resigned from my job last week, the stress was making me ill and I couldn't handle it anymore, if your job is making you ill then you have to put yourself first, I tried talking to my boss but it didn't work. I have been off for a week and already I feel better, the way I see it, yes I have bills to pay but my health comes first, I will find another job, money comes and goes but your health, once it goes wrong is hard to retrieve, you must weiigh up the pro's and cons, I did and it took me a lot of thought but I kept coming to the same conclusion, the stress was making my lupus worse, I was feeling sown and very unhappy, I am calmer now and the inflamtion in my shoulders is better too, that was due to the type of work I was doing. Honestly, its the best thing I did and you have to do what is right for you, the business will continue whether you are there or not. X

teecayc profile image
teecayc in reply to Pammy76

Hi Pam, thanks for your reply, pleased you're feeling better for leaving.

I have yet to talk to my boss properly about it so I'm not sure what's going to happen. I already do half shifts as it is but 6 hours is a long time to be kept moving and on your feet. To start with I get there early just to get a rest from walking there! I feel I work well past what my body's able to cope with and drag myself around, putting up with the consequences after. I often get pushed home on my boyfriends bike and just collapse in a heap when I get home, crying because I'm that exhausted and don't have the energy to wash etc. It's awful :( Yes I can look really tired and moan a bit at work but nobody sees the bit after. Also the inflammation from the Panniculitis gets a lot worse when flared up when moving around a lot, the solution to this to rest and elevate the area No chance at work!. We haven't really got set breaks either so that adds to the stress. When I need to sit down I need to sit down! It's just not suitable any more.

I don't know if I'd be able to get another job because of the SLE, are you getting any other help? Benefits etc since leaving? x

bettie profile image


I to had a physical job, I did a 34hrs a week starting at 7am sometimes 6am 5 days a week. I could not continue so I cut my hours down to 24hrs a week starting at 10am, but even after doing this for 6 months i was still finding it difficult.I had to have a Medical for my employer which was daming.I though I was going to lose my job, but they said I could do 3 days a week, any days as long as a did 12hrs. I know thats not a lot of hours but it suits me better, and I still have my independance.Have you asked to drop your hours or may be do something less physical ? Do you know what you employer's policys are? Could you have a chat with your boss or HR? Do you belong to a union? If you don't belong to a union you can still ring them up for advise, ACAS are very helpfu.Hope some of this helps best of luck.

teecayc profile image

Hi Bettie, I also had a lot of hours originally, 12 hour shifts! But yes they got reduced to 11 a week to start with because I was on ESA for a year but the benefit after that was the condition that I did over 16 hours so was doing 16.5. (I didn't actually get this in the end so the upped hours were for nothing!) I was just too worried about money and thought this was my only option but it's catching up with me now. I'd be happy to try half those hours in 1 go but it'd depend if anybody else would agree to doing the rest for me. I'm currently on sick, going for my last sick note tomorrow so I'll hopefully see my manager about it then.

I have been for a medical through work before when I returned after being off for 9 months,, they suggested a phased returned to work which I gladly did.. Nobody's mentioned if I have to go again. We've had 2 new managers since then though so I keep having to start all over again with them if you know what I mean.

No I don't belong to a union but thank you, no doubt I'll get stuck at some point along the way so shall definately give them a ring!

Yols profile image

Hi Teecayc,

I am finding my job too physical now too. I have had management on my back for several years now over the amount of time off sick I have had. I am currently seeking advice from my Union. They have been fab - they told me that under the Disability Discrimination Act, my work have to log all lupus related absences from work separately and in so doing, my other absences appear no different from my colleagues.

I am being referred to Occupational Health now and also a Reasonable Adjustment Form is being completed to see if there is anything they can do to help me do my job.

I guess these are all processes that have to be done prior to being dismissed on health grounds. I can't afford to leave my job and if I get retired on health issues, hopefully I will get my pension early or some sort of benefit.

I would recommend you contact your Union if you have one, it was remarkable the difference in my bosses' attitude once they knew the Union was involved!!

Best of luck to you. Yols x

teecayc profile image
teecayc in reply to Yols

Hi Yols, I think I am going to get in touch with some kind of union after hearing everyone's opinions, seems it really has helped them.

I've got a feeling that work may send me for another medical etc. now and like you say go through the required processes. Had it in my head that they'd just finish me on the spot if nothing could be done.

That has been my main worry, having no income. I'm very lucky that I still live with my parents (although unfortunately due to the illness) but it's still a concern for the future.

Best of luck to you too x

bettie profile image
bettie in reply to Yols

Hi Yols

What you said about Disability Discrimination Act is very intresting, nearly all my absences have been sle related yet my employers did not mention the DDA, nor the union or the Occupational Health.I must admit that I am happy with how things have turned out but I will have to ask a few questions as to why I was not told.

Yols profile image
Yols in reply to bettie

Hi Bettie, glad you are happy with your outcome - I look forward to the day I can say that, I must admit I am finding my situation a battle from all directions! Battle with the bosses and battle with lupus and sometimes a battle with the doctors!!

I am not sure if the DDA will make a great difference in the long run - an absence from work regardless of the reason is still an absence and at the end of the day they don't like paying me for not being at work.

Hope you have many happy days ahead! :0) x

erky profile image
erky in reply to Yols

do you know if systemic lupus is always covered under the DDA act having similar problems with work

Pammy76 profile image

I am not getting benefits at the moment, I am looking into it, it helps that I have a great GP who is helping me along the way. I am taking it in my stride... Don't worry about finding work, worry about your health, but do talk to your boss, I worked for a law firm, a small one, there was no union!! I had no choice but to leave, but if your work will compromise then do so. X

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