For the last 12-13 years my physical health has been declining. First started around 15/16 years old, I started having heart palpitations, frequent infections, lethargy and fainting episodes. Since then, especially the last 3 years and especially the last month, my physical health has taken a major turn for the worse. I’m in physical pain all day with joints, muscles, chest and head, my heart and chest are constantly struggling and I faint often too, I have mild raynauds symtoms. I had major loss of my hair/eyelash/eyebrows about 2 years ago. I suffered a miscarriage 8 years ago. I’ve had more respiratory/sinus/urine/ENT infections in the last 3 years than I can remember. I’ve been given so many antibiotics the last few years I’ve lost count. I get frequent mouth/lip sores/ulcers. I don’t get the face rash, but I do get rashes appear on the same places on my body, especially after sun exposure. I’m very sensitive to light and spend most of my time at home in darkened rooms without lights on due to the headaches lights cause me now. I’ve also noticed I’ve become very unwell requiring hospital visits, not long after I’ve had the antibiotics prescribed that they advise people with lupus to avoid. I’ve noticed diagnosed with occipital neuralgia but consultants haven’t bothered to look into why, I’m waiting to be seen by cardiology, respiratory and rheumatology consultants, all of whom have seen me over the last 13 years and have changed diagnosis many times from age related arrhythmia, fibromyalgia, stress, anxiety, eczema, low b12 etc.
I’m getting so weak and so tired of being ignored. Ive now had to demand further investigations from my doctor and push for referrals due to now struggling to go to work each day, I’m now at risk of losing my job.
Researching Lupus, I’m almost 100% sure that’s what is wrong with me, but I understand lupus is widely unrecognised and often misdiagnosed.
I’ve requested antibody blood tests and referrals back to rheumatology; as well as cardiology and respiratory.
Has anyone got any further advice they can offer that I can discuss with my doctor to help with a diagnosis/treatment?
Sorry for the long post. Just hoping someone can advise and shed some light for me
thank you in advance